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Teyana -

I walked into the bathroom, after putting a plastic bag over my leg & turned the water on. Khalil has the smallest shower ever. It was basically glass walls and an overhead. I got in and let the warm water pour over my body. I was relaxed for a while until the warm water turned hot. I immediately pressed back up against the glass, hearing Khalil laugh.

"Khalil, it's not funny! Turn the sink off !" I yelled.

"Your ass looks so nice on there though."

"Khalil, seriousl-" I was cut off by the water becoming soothing again. The shower door opened slowly and in came Khalil.

"Get out."

The small shower seemed to be getting even smaller, the way our bodies were pressed up against each other. He started to kiss my neck slowly.

"I, I can't stand for a long time Khalil." I opened the door and got out the shower, grabbing my towel. Khalil stayed in the shower as I went in the room and threw on some Hollister jeans and a simple v neck. I don't like to flaunt the money I do have. My dad was an infamous drug lord, so it's not like the money I do have is even worth flaunting.
I limped into Carter's bedroom and picked him up.

"Hi Momma's baby." I kissed his cheek.

He was just looking up at me with his beautiful deep brown eyes. He has my same jet black hair & brown skin. Khalil walked in the room and kissed the top of my head.

"Khalil, you know we aren't together right?" I asked as he pulled a chair next to me.

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing , you've just been acting like things have gone back to normal since I've came here."

"I just missed you a lot, that's all."

"You shouldn't have broken up with me."

"You shouldn't have said you came before the kids."

"So you call off a wedding ?!" I raised my voice.

Carter began to cry & Khalil walked out. I tried rocking Carter & putting his pacifier in, but I didn't know what to do. Khalil then came in with baby food and began to feed him, taking him out of my arms.

"How did you know that's why he was crying ?" I asked him.

He stood up and grabbed a book off the shelf, tossing it into my lap.

"Motherhood for Dummies?" I read out loud.

He shrugged.

"I'm no dummy." I said to him.

"I never said you were one."

I shook my head and put the book back.

"Whatever. I'm hungry."

"What do you want from me?"

"Steak and Shake."

"It's 10:27." He said, looking at the alarm clock.

"I don't like breakfast food."

"Since when?"

"Since always." I grabbed my son, making sure his daddy fed him all the way, then I began to burp him.

"You gotta stop eating all that fast food, it's going to your thighs." He said, as I laid Carter in his play pen with all his toys.

"I thought you liked my thighs." I jiggled them.

"I do." He grabbed them and bit his lip, "I love them."

"Stop." I laughed a little.

"Can we just like fuck? Like I really want to right now."

"I'm trying to spend time with my child." I laughed.

"I'm harrrrddd." He complained, putting his hand on mine, guiding it to his joggers.

"Stoppp." I moved my hand slow.

He bit his lip and smiled.

"Look who's taking a nap."

I looked down to see Carter, cuddling with his teddy bear, sleeping.

"I wish I could sleep like a baby." I smiled.

"Come, I got something that'll knock you right out." He smirked. I followed him into the room. He grabbed me and tackled me down onto the bed.

"Khalil, my leg !" I pinched his ass.

"You've been here a week & haven't paid the rent."

"I'm sorry, I just haven't had the money." I giggled.

"So how are you gonna pay me ?"

"Depends.. how much does I owe you?"

Khalil began biting on my neck as he pulled my shirt off. He was kissing all the right places until next thing I know, we were 30 minutes in and I was riding him hard.

"Fuck Teyana." He groaned, grabbing my breasts.

"Daddy, I - " Sariah bust in the room. She screamed running out.

"Fuck !" I immediately covered myself in the comforter and Khalil slid his boxers on. He followed her.


Khalil -

"Baby girl." I picked her up.

"Daddy, she hurt you!!" She pointed to a hickie on my neck and chest.

"No. No she didn't, Riah."

"I'm telling mommy."

"Nooooooo. Don't tell Mommy. I'll do anything." I don't want her to know that I was fucking the woman she hated.

"I'm hungry." She pouted.

"You want some pancakes?"

"French toast."

"Mmmm yummy." Teyana came up behind me.

"You hurt Daddy!"

"No, baby I wasn't hurting him!" She exclaimed.

Sariah made a mean face.

"Riah, don't do that."

"Sorry TT." She mumbled.

"It's okay, honey."


Carter laid next to me as I ate.

"So what are you doing about work ?"

"I don't know, hopefully I can pick up this job at Paul Mitchell before you return to college."

"That would be nice." I said, biting into a piece of sausage.

"Better than nice." She chuckled. putting her plate away.

She came and laid next to me as we watched Sariah play with her toys. I saw Teyana's eyes start to blink away. I smiled at her as she fell asleep. I grabbed Carter and laid him on my chest, closing my eyes. A few seconds later, I felt Sariah squeeze between my arms and lay on my chest. I smiled and breathed softly, joining in on this catnap.

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