Poison Tarts

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The three Too Lovelies live by the sea

wild wild wild

and free

They eat and catch

butcher and bake

always with a smile to fake

The three Too Lovelies live by the sea

wild wild wild

and free

But however much they eat

Their appetites remain unsatisfied;


Each Sleuth holds their Youth

Sherlock Homes smoked a pipe and played the violin. Some detectives struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In 1960s, Ema Peel and Steed managed a dynamic duo: Ema known for her full bodice suits and clever kicks, Steed known for wearing a bowler hat and clever umbrella maneuvers. Charlie's Angels: three detectives known for being loyal to Charlie and sporting retro haircuts.

This story is also about three female detectives, they're known as the Too Lovelies. Sisters, medieval fair medians, lagerthas living in a large castle by the sea. And these three Nancy Drews--like other detectives--also have something unique about them.

But words do not suffice. Only pictures would do them justice. Picture these Polaroid snaps: an innocent smile, pursed lips, a tilted head, thin wrists, a dress flowing in the wind, hair caught in a branch. Yes maybe these pictures can capture the main descriptor of the Too Lovelies.

BUT because this is a book, only words will due. So if one had to choose a word to sum up that quirk, their main attribute, their specific mode, their shtick, their quirk, their persona, it would be this: Lovely. Hence their name--the Too lovelies.

Loveliness doesn't have to Fade

Lovely. That word. People use it to describe others who are mystical embodiments of old humanity, like immortal maidens dancing in fields of flowers. Innocent. Mysterious maybe. Oblivious to reality itself which involves death, hatred, depth of emotion, stark and ugly diplomacy. Oblivious to their own beauty. So saccharine and obsequious.

Saccharine: Too sweet.

Obsequious: Too compliant.

Most people achieve lovely-status and move on with it, eventually developing better personalities and eventually caring about real things in life. Growing up, accepting age, death and ugliness.

"I love you, let's work together!" These are words that others would say, not the Too lovelies.

"I'm going to be useful and screw looking good."

"I care about others more than being thin." Again, these are words that other lovely people would eventually say.

Not these three detectives.

See, these sisters never moved past being lovely. That's what makes them different.

To be Lovely

"Is to be thin." Says one.

"Beautiful and weak." Says another.

"And confused." Says the third.

All whilst being classy.

Wait why be lovely?

Looking at human history one can't be sure why beauty is such a desired commodity, highly sought after. Looking at historical fashion we see merely a collection of voluptuous poof ball gowns, twirly shifts and uncomfortable corsets. All to enhance women, affect their appearance, create a difference. Well to appear lovely.

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