Entertaining Chats With Strangers (Chatous/Omegle)

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Connected to Mac! Age: 17 Gender: m

Mac: Hi :)

PnutButter: Hey Mac: ohh are u pnutbutter im gonna be blackberry jam we could warm us up lol

PnutButter: O.o

Mac: haha ok sorry its just my friday night without alcohol

PnutButter: Its fine. im perverted too haha:)

Mac: haha its ok everyone are perverted

*****************(Conversation gets boring, so I'll skip to the awesome parts)

Mac: how could two perverteds remove their boriness? haaha

PnutButter: hmmm

Mac: wat is all people doing right now?

PnutButter: .....breathing?

Mac: wrong...?

PnutButter: ...um, thinking?

Mac: for get it

PnutButter: im slow.... sowwy

********************(This part is just me being an idiot..)

Mac: where ya from

PnutButter: US of A

Mac: i know but which state

PnutButter: ooooh... (told you i'm slow) Im from Wisconsin

Mac: are u slow for everything?

PnutButter: ;)

PnutButter: no

Mac: ok u r perverted then

PnutButter: i am

******************************(The part I cut out was literally talking about my virginity..... needless to say I cut it out)

Mac: do u like unicorns princess from the castle?

PnutButter: of course. who doesnt?

Mac: why do u like 'em?


Mac: but they could be bad with u

PnutButter: soo


PnutButter: ???????????

Mac: weird

PnutButter: your weirf

Mac: im just will smith

PnutButter: interesting

Mac: do u like to pee?

PnutButter: i do

Mac: do u like pee in your freezer?

PnutButter: i do not

Mac: do u like drink water from your navel?

PnutButter: YES

Mac: u r my soulmate

PnutButter: Whoo!

Mac: your virgin n innocent elbows are my soulmate

PnutButter: Only my elbows?

Mac: ya

PnutButter: darn

Mac: have u a weird look right now

PnutButter: a bit.. my eye is twitching

Mac: the invisible unicorn pike your eye

PnutButter: owwwie

Mac: dont your parents complain that youre talking with a fucking weird man

PnutButter: nope, they are asleep

Mac: dont ya complain?

PnutButter: naahhh, i have talked to weirder

Mac: ok be weird to me

PnutButter: the leprachaun shall bite your ear lobe off in your sleep on Tuesday

Mac: ohh shit thats wat was slimy in my left side of the head?

PnutButter: mmhmm

********************(This time he asked me {very violently, might I add} what I looked like..)

PnutButter: O.o

Mac: the unicorn pike u up again?

PnutButter: you know it

Mac: we hav so much chemistry ill marry u

PnutButter: <3

Mac: wait this even is me im different with u

PnutButter: ?

Mac: ull marry with my alter ego

PnutButter: Yay me

Mac: this is da weirdest conversation ill hav ever been

PnutButter: Same here O.o

Mac: u made me weird with your nickname shit

PnutButter: What nickname shit? PnutButter?

Mac: yaa that shit strt all


Mac: im not a hater im just think that nickname is a bitch

PnutButter: :( but it.. it loves you

Mac: but it changed me i think my facial expression changed too

PnutButter: Thats okay...

Mac: i think ill date u

PnutButter: Mkay. Have fun

Mac: how do u think i look like

PnutButter: Im not sure. Probably a creepy 65 year old with a gold tooth and a limp

Mac: omg thats dope but a lil bit younger n cuter

PnutButter: darn..

*************************(At this point he just got reallyreally weird/awkward.... he may have been drunk/high)

PnutButter: haha

PnutButter: I gotta hit the hay man  (TRANSLATION: I GOT FRIGGIN SCARED)

AN: Soooo, do you guys like this odd conversation I had on Chatous? Buahahaha it was amazing ;)

Entertaining Chats With Strangers (Chatous/Omegle)Where stories live. Discover now