4. Just in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Start from the beginning

We were very near to the pub now that we agreed to meet at.

'OK, remember, the pub is gonna be deserted as it's gonna shut down soon. If there is anyone there, remember, Rob, distract any waiters, or customers. Get them out of sight. We don't want them to know what we're doing. Me and Matt are gonna sneak up to Whatshisname, blindfold him and drag him out the back, where Matt is gonna unleash his lethal talents,' I paused to wink at Matt who cracked his knuckles in return. 'We need to make this quick, guys. There's no security cameras - they were smashed in a few days ago. Rob, as soon as Matt's out the back, come out and help him. OK, we all clear?' I asked.

'Yes, boss!' They saluted in unison. Funny pair they were, and true friends too, no matter how scary and hard they looked to outsiders.

We got to the pub we arranged to meet at and parked very close to the entrance. Rob got out first and sauntered into the bar. A few minutes later, he came by the door and gave us the signal that it was all clear.

Me and Matt swaggered into the bar that was playing some really crap music. The Man must have bad taste...

Fortunately, The Man had his back to us, and was sat on the table nearest to the back door.

This was gonna be so simple.

Quietly, me and Matt crept up to the blackmailer. We had our blindfold ready. As soon as we were close enough, we swiped the blindfold over the unexpected face of the evil man in a swift movement. He struggled for a bit, trying to hit us. As I tied it up, Matt grabbed his arms and kept them steady.

'You're gonna regret ever blackmailing my wife, you spiteful sonofabitch,' I spat.

'Wh-who are you?' he stuttered nervously.

'I just told you. Or are you blackmailing more than just my wife?' I spat at him again.

He was silent.

Matt kept the blokes hands in a vice-like grip, while tying them with rope at the same time. The blindfold was fully tied.

While Matt finished tying the rope, I went out and got Rob to take over while I was on guard duty.

I smiled in relief that everything had gone right. Soon, I'll be driving back home, back to my beautiful wife to tell her the good news. I quickly sent her a text.


I got a text back soon after.


Matt and Rob came out then, and we high-fived each other. Then we quickly got in the car and sped off before anyone could see us.

I dropped Matt and Rob off at their homes first, before setting off for my own home. I had the music on full blast.

I was nearly home when I was on a deserted lane. I stopped at a red light as two muscly men crossed the road. As I was about to drive off again, I realised the two men had come up to my car and were looking in at me.

I thought they were just admiring my sleek black Porsche.

But then they came up to my window and tried to open the door. I tried to speed off, realising that they were trying to steal my car. But they had already wrenched my car door open and was dragging me out.

Instead of stealing the car, though, they left it open and continued dragging me. I realised a bit late that we were heading for an alleyway.

I started getting nervous, then petrified, then too scared that my whole body went numb.

What were they gonna do to me? Why me? Was it a random attack? Or planned? Oh no... Maybe it was The Man's 'hitmen'. But Rob said that the place was clear... Or ... No ... The Man couldn't have owned that pub, could he? And these were his guards? It couldn't be true. My mind was a bit like Kaila's. I imagined inappropriate things at inappropriate times. But what if this was true?

They finally let go of me. 'What are you gonna do to me?' I asked hoarsely.

'Teach you a lesson. It's called 'Fuck with the big man, and he'll fuck you up back',' sneered one of the men.

The other kicked me really hard in my rib. 'Arghh,' I groaned in pain. Hopefully, they'd give me a few kicks and leave me.

But, of course, it wasn't like that.

They carried on booting me in my sides and stomach. A few times, they kicked me in the face. I wished they'd stop.

But, of course, they didn't.

My last thoughts were about my family.

'I'm so sorry,' I thought. 'I love you.'

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I'm gonna get some pictures so you can get an idea of what the characters look like, but I'm gonna let you have your say and I'll choose the best one. I've got Taylor Momsen for Kaila at the moment, so who do you think for Lennie, Carl, Mollie and Cynthia? Please comment or PM me and send me a web-link of a picture of them. Thanks xx**

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