Chapter Sixteen

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Dedication to Dannaification :) Thanks for your comment, lovely!

Chapter Sixteen

"I don't understand, isn't this like.. Repetitive? There's only so many things they can do to make it 'exciting,'" I mumbled under my breath as we gathered in the living room. 

"Well, this time to announce groups, they're individually telling them," Andie shrugged, her eyes focused on the brown-haired boy with big brown eyes. 

"Allison, get your butt over here," Harry yelled from across the room. He grinned at me before swooshing his hair to the side with his fingers.

"I hate my life," I muttered under my breath before taking my sweet time to walk over to him. 

I tried my best to ignore the cameras flying around, getting every single possible angle of me.

"Yes?" I said once I reached the five boys who herded me into a small private room off to the side that was filled with camera crew men.

I crossed my arms and tried to cover the yawn that was threatening to burst past my lips. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up all night watching Doctor Who.. Oh, well. Bowties are cool.

"Don't seem so overjoyed, babe," Louis chuckled.

Louis and Harry went to lean against the wall with their hands shoved in their pockets. Almost in an attempt to be 'cool.'

Niall immediately settled on the couch, with Liam pushing him over so he could sit as well. Zayn simply stood in front of me, a smirk across his lips.

"I'm sorry," I apologized with absolutely no sincerity. 

"Sometimes I think you don't want to be here," Liam gasped, though there was a twinkle in his eye to show that he was joking.

"Oh my gosh! Don't ever feel that way!" I squeaked out, starting to bounce on the heels of my feet and plastering a large smile across my face. "I like, like, uh, like, totally love it here! I just can't believe my luck and oh my gosh!"

"It's almost as if you're being sarcastic! But there's no way that you would be sarcastic.." Harry added to the conversation as I collapsed into the chair and crossed my arms for the second time since entering the room. 

I let my features slide back into my usual stoic position, all fangirl attempts gone. "Not me. That'd be impossible."

"Ah, there's the Al we know and love." Niall snickered.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Now, why did I get dragged into here?"

"Because we love and adore you and wanted to talk to you," Zayn said with a completely straight face

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