The Plan,A war,Klaus

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Hey everyone yeah it been awhile :3 anyways if you have any questions like at all comment them here and ill answer them in my Q&A this Saturday on my YouTube channel which is WonderLessJen :3 make sure to subscribe cause I will be giving away prizes and such.


Stefan's P.O.V

"Paul that's enough" I ordered.

My once best friend Christofer was laying on the ground,passed out. Blood stained his clothes from the wound on his neck.

"He killed Elena!" Paul said angrily.

"Shut up! she isn't dead just out cold, pick you girl up and let head back to the caves" I said frustrated.

Why I picked Elena and Paul to be in my clan I don't know. But I might just kill them myself if they keep being stupid.

Avril flung Christofer over her shoulder and we raced deep into the woods where I had taken Hayley before.

"Lay him there and bandage up that bite before Elena wakes up" I said to Avril.

Gasping for air Elena stood up looking around like crazy.

"Welcome back" I smiled.

"That son of a... That Jordan broke my neck" she started to walk out of the cave

I rushed to her grasping her neck."You will not go after them,you will stay here like a good pet and watch over Christofer. You shall not kill Hayley. Do you understand!" I said to her as I threw her towards the wall behind me.

"yes sir" she said rubbing her neck.

"I see You've failed?"

He's early.

"What brings you here so early.... Klaus" I gritted my teeth.

"Well I just had to come and see if you caught her" He smiled walking more into the cave.

"Why does it matter to you?" I hissed.

"My dear boy, it matters to me because I am and elder, im the first hybrid so of course ill be needing her blood too" he trailed of and looked at Chris."Is this Jordan? he doesn't smell like a hybrid to me"

"That's Chris, hayleys boyfriend"

"And Jordan is with Hayley then?"

I nodded afraid.

"You Idiot!!! he is a hybrid! have you not thought about him recruiting his own hybrids!?" he yelled at me.


"You better hope they don't think of that Stefan cause if they do,there will be a war of the hybrids." With that he was gone.

"War of the hybrids huh?" Paul said.

I nodded and walked towards Chris. I know they'll come for you and when they do it'll be too late. I have plans for you my dear friend. And Limbo would be the perfect place to keep you hidden....



yes I know super short :3 im sad to say this was the last chapter :"(

But not the last book ;) sequel to this soon I will need names for the next book so please message me about yourself or just leave a comment with your name on it.





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