♔Chapter Nineteen♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha 

Chapter 19


The variety of sweets in front of me excited me to the core. I was always a sweets lover. Anytime I would have money and extra time I would run down to the corner store to buy chocolate. Stuffing my hands into my pocket I followed Xavier in. My eyes opened wide in amazement.

As we took a seat in a secluded booth I frowned. “Why is no one here?” This place was amazing. Little stools placed everywhere with round tables. Booths on either side. The display glass in the corner was what got to me.

From the seat I was sitting at I could see chocolate cakes, muffins, pastries, everything made my mouth water. “I guess it’s a little to early for the sweets for some people, and they deliver.” Nodding I went back to looking at the chocolate cake on the display.

It looked wonderful, the swirls of waves on one side. On the top was a single red frosted rose. “Hi how may I serve you?” Snapping out of my daze I looked up to see a nice lady. Scratch that, a whore.

She was in her twenties and the first thing that made me think of the person of a whore was her t-shirt. It was a tight fitted purple shirt with the logo La’ Syria printed on her breast area. Her gaze was on Xavier with a prey like look.

Shrinking down I started to play with my hands. Who knew that today I would be sitting in front of Xavier in a little shop? Only yesterday I was in jail. The thought of jail made me internally cringe. I would still need to pay Xavier back even if he didn’t have to.

It was the right thing to do. “Sweetheart what would you like.” My head snapped up as both their attentions were now on me. Clearing my throat I said, “I’m okay.” I was too embarrassed to say I had no money on me to pay.

Even if a slice of cake is what I was truly dieing for the price of it must be worth a fortune. I understood that a slice of the chocolate cake must be worth at least twenty dollars. “Non- sense. You had barley anything to eat for breakfast. Gina we would both like a slice of the devils cake and two caramel cappuccinos.” 

He then gave her his most dazzling smile I had ever seen. All those pearly whites were on full display mesmerizing me to the core. “I’ll pay you-.” My sentence was cut off by Xavier’s glare. “You will not be paying for anything.” I shrugged and looked away defeated.

His sweet gesture was far too much for me. I tried not to let my cheeks turn red. “Here is you food.” Blonde bimbo came back with a large yellow tray. Two plates were piled high with chocolate assorts. The cake had chocolate syrup running down it.

The two cups of coffee had whipped cream on top. I am seriously going to be a diabetic by the end of this. The plate and cup of sugar was placed in front of me. I ignored blond bimbo and Xavier’s conversation, the only thing on my mind was how I was going to finish this.

“Sweetheart?” I snapped out of my chocolate dream daze to see a confused looking Xavier. “Yes.” I blinked and looked into his eyes. I almost melted right on the spot from his smile. “Eat up.” I looked at him wide eyed and picked up my fork.

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