Chapter Six

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He had taken on a job with the Duke of Lint, of House Nielosi on the island of Tipp in the Northern Sea to take out a small Hydra branch that had planted its feet in the area. The leader of this Hydra outpost was a distant cousin of the Dux of House Cheinn within the Organization, but being that Tipp was in the Air Region, and subsequently, Black Falcon territory, one was not likely to find another Hydra branch anywhere nearby, in which case the distant cousin was the acting Dux. This was something Duke Pintro anticipated upon hiring the pair, wanting to take out the threat before the Black Falcons saw fit to rear their heads back up in his Duchy after he had finally finished his father's work and cleared them from his lands.

The Hydra boss Forps Cheinn, was a hesitant individual, choosing to work through middle men in his transactions. For the better part of two weeks the Xenator had been trying to lure him out of hiding until finally he was able to orchestrate a meeting under the guise of a very lucrative business deal, the first he'd have since setting up shop on Tipp.

He had designated his acolyte Evina to handle the meeting with the boss. Legs crossed, hair in a bun, she sat across from Boss Forps in the main room of a hotel suite that had been procured for the day's meeting. Positioned around them were a half dozen Hydran, each attempting to look as intimidating as possible to Evina, something that could only amuse her, though her expression remained professional as the well rounded man in front of her moved to speak.

"Where's the money?" he asked. He gestured to the suitcase at her side, "Is that it?"

"Some of it" she said, moving the case closer. "I had to be sure you would come. My people will be bringing along the rest."

Taking notice of her move, Forps laughed, "I'm not going to take the case from you woman."

Evina smiled curtly, "I'm glad we're in agreement on that," she said. "Now what of your end of this trade; am I to believe this is all you have for me?" She gestured to the suitcase held by one of Forps' men.

Forps glanced at his man, and after a moment, returned his gaze to Evina, "It's...also on the way."

Evina smirked, "So we wait."

The night air smelled of the sea as the men stood outside the building in the warehouse district along the docks. The waves crashed forcefully against the rocks under the full moon as the grunt of workers and clank of tools from inside the warehouse added to the noise surrounding the Hydren. The sounds of it all did little to help the men hear as he drew near.

"Change? Can you spare some change?"

The guards did not notice him until he was upon them, a bedraggled and grimy looking old man held out his hand expectantly. Hunched over, his words came from beneath a thick unkempt graying beard, the coat he wore caked with dirt, while his toes could be seen protruding from the tattered remnants of his shoes.

"Get out of here you damn street trash," ordered the nearest guard.

The beggar grinned, "Wrong answer."

The guards exchanged a glance. A flash of steel and the blade of twin swords pierced each of their throats, the blood splattering against the wall as the blades were removed from their necks, each man holding their throats as the last of their life seeped onto the rotting wood dock.

The barridan supervised as his squad of Hydra gints loaded the crates into the back of the cargo hold of the truck. One of the gints lost his hold on the crate, the wooden box crashing to the floor revealing its content to be that of fish.

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