The Search

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Chapter 6:


I took my bike and rode down the street to Calie's place. I knocked on the door and her dad anwsered. "Thank god you're here Lizzy,Calie has been acting weird ever since yesterday." He said. I wondered what he meant by weird.

I walked up to Calie's room and peeked inside. What I saw was not something I had ever seen Calie do ever since I meet her. AND I'VE KNOWN HER EVER SINCE I WAS BORN! I saw her on her floor curled up in a ball,rocking back and forth,and was crying. I didn't know what to do. I was like "what do I do? Do I go in? Do I leave?" I was just so confused at the time. But I dicided to go in anyway.

I opened up the door as quietly as possible as I could. I walked over to Calie and gently tapped her shoulder. She didn't respond. I tapped her shoulder again but harder. She didn't respond. I said "Calie." She didn't respond. I said "Calie why aren't you answering me?!" She still didn't respond. I was starting to get frustrated. "CALIE,ANSWER ME!!!!" She finally looked up. When I was about to ask her what was wrong I was stairing into the eyes of the..............................................................

Witch Zombie.

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