Chapter 3: Greek Gods

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Ginny plays volly ball, Ginny has three cats, Ginny likes crime shows, Ginny's favorite food is chocolate, Ginny hates video games and Ginny is so excited about the promise of snow that I might scream if she mentions it again. Between classes and at lunch she has talked non-stop. Even in class she will write me notes - because she has insisted on sitting next to me - telling me how easy an answer is or how she honestly has no clue what to put down as her answer. It's annoying, but I try my best to be nice. It's all for Rebecca, I tell myself over and over.

Truth be told, Ginny is a sweet girl, but my God could she just back off? It doesn't help I'm encouraging her, though...

The last bell rang and it couldn't have come at a better time. She was prattling on about her favorite books and they were all terrible. I was practically biting my lip trying to keep myself from insulting her taste in literature. Then I remember the book that's hidden beneath my bed.

Ginny and I are walking out the front door of our school when I see Rebecca walking to her car.

"Ginny, I think I'm going to hitch a ride with my sister - she and I have to talk about something." I say as quickly as possible - I don't think I can handle walking her home.

"Oh," Ginny follows my gaze to Rebecca, who is climbing in her Jeep. "Of course, of course. I'll see you tomorrow!"

I nod, too emotionally exhausted to come up with a proper goodbye. I just run to Rebecca's car, waving her down so she doesn't leave without me. As soon as I'm in the passenger seat she raises her brows.

"Well this is an unusual day. For one, you never want to be in the car with me-"

"That's because you have horrible music."

"And second, I thought you would want to walk home with your new girlfriend." She pulls out of her parking spot and drives off. As we pass Ginny I feel like she drives even slower than normal, so that Ginny has time to see me, wave happily with a dorky smile on her face, and I have to wave back.

"Go, go, go," I grunt through my teeth. She speeds up and I turn to face her. "She is not my girlfriend. Well, not yet." With a heavy sigh I run my hands through my hair and sink into my seat.

"Am I missing something? Weren't we just discussing how we're both the spawn of Hell in Mom and Dad's eyes?" she snorted.

"Well that's exactly it, we can't both be gay, can we? Not in front of them, at least. And since you already pulled the trigger on that, I figured I have to be straight. Just for a little while. Just until I can move out." I give a noncommittal shrug, as if this is an easy task.

Rebecca's jaw drops. "Are you serious, Britt? For fuck's sake! You can't let them win like that!"

Maybe walking home with Ginny would be better than this. Ginny would just talk about how her cats love sleeping in her bath tub and how she 'can't wait for them to see the snow!' She wouldn't nag me about my sexuality. Of course, if she knew I wasn't interested in her at all, she probably would.

"I'm doing this for you, can't you just be grateful? If I take the focus off you for a little while it'll make all this a lot easier for you."

She slams on her brakes at a stop sign, gives a quick glance both ways, and rushes onward. She is a terrible driver. How the fuck did she get her own car?

"Yeah, and it'll make it a lot harder for you when you finally do come out!"

True; as soon as I told Mom I'm actually gay she would probably have a heart attack. Surprise! "Beck, I'll be fine. It's just until you move out, and then I'll tell them Ginny made me realize I don't like girls."

"Ginny? What is she, five?"

"She acts like it."

"That's creepy, Britt."

"Thanks, Beck. Means a lot to know you're so grateful."

Just as we were pulling up in our driveway a red four door car came screeching down our street. It sped past us and parked in front of a house five doors down. Out climbed a guy who might as well have stepped out of one of my books. His black hair ruffled in the breeze, his skin was pale but not in that creepy sickly way. He looked like a super model. His muscles rippled under his t-shirt in the sexiest way possible. I could just imagine his arms around me, holding me while we pretended to watch some crappy movie, while really we just wanted to cuddle, then makeout, and then maybe...more. I wanted more. I wanted more than just a glimpse of him. I wanted more than just the back of his head. I wanted to know the color of his eyes, the bow of his lip, the curve of his nose. I bet he had the face of a Greek God. He had to. He had to be the most beautiful creature in this town, in this country...God, he was gorgeous.

Rebecca caught me staring at him as he walked into his house. "So you were saying Ginny is the new love of your life?"

I turned to face her smirk with my nose turned up. "Yes, for about a month, and then he is the love of my life."

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