Chapter 1: A betrayal and invitation and a decision and conflict

Start from the beginning

" Hmm, His Kekkai is the sister of that one, The same but that one deals with life. His deals with death" At those words the other three figures looked up. " So...., He's not insane like that girl is." "No, He's not insane and she's not insane because of it. She's insane because of the choices her village made"  He sighs and continues "Fear is a powerful thing, They had the option to deal with it right but they instead chose wrong and she got the consequence"

They looked down again and bowed "Now go" They performed a few signs and disappeared.  


The Rookie Eleven walked into Tsunade's office in time to see Sakura getting chewed out by Tsunade. "And if I ever see you ever hit him while he's injured again, I'll personally make sure you never hit anyone EVER AGAIN" Sakura paled at this thought and looked down in shame. "Madame Hokage, We have a question" ---------------- "So let me get this straight Kakashi called him a demon and told him to get a new team and then he told you to come ask me" "Yes" She sighs and continues "A long time ago, One of the tailed beasts attacked Konoha and the fourth successfully defeated it and sealed in a baby, That baby...." She pauses and continues ".......Is Naruto"  

-------- After a very brief and manly crying session. Naruto gathered up the courage to see Tsunade. He snuck out and limped to the Hokage's office and arrived just in time to hear her say that the nine tails is in side of him and in time to hear her ask the next question " Do you hate him now" At this they all looked down and Sakura finally spoke up "Well,I know for me I do" The gang stared at Sakura and Ino went over to Sakura and said "I agree with forehead for once he's a monster"  Tsunade looked up sharply and yelled "get out before I strip you of your ninja title"

Naruto heard those words and limped as fast as he could to his hospital room but bumped into a few jounin along the way. "Hey, Naruto how's it going , Should you be out an about" Asuma called as he walked along the hallway to the Hokage's office with Gai and Kurenai. Naruto looked at him and replied "Why do you care,You,Kakashi,Ino,Sakura everyone hate me, Maybe I should have died" Naruto raced off leaving them to stare after him  "We need to report this to the Hokage, Maybe she knows what's going on"

They went up to the Hokage's building to see everyone there except Sakura and Ino "Madame Hokage, We just passed Naruto coming from your office when we talked to him, He said somethingabout us all hating him the he muttered something we didn't understand" Tsunade looked up and said "He never was in my office did he mention something about Kakashi or Ino or Sakura" "Well yes those were names he mentioned" All of the sudden Kurenai gasped and said "I know what he said, He said 'Maybe I should have died' "

Tsunade looked up and yelled "Asuma, Gai, Kurenai go get Kakashi, Sakura and Ino. The rest of you find Naruto and bring him here." They all bowed and left.


Naruto limped down the allley to his apartment when four shadowy black figures jumped to the back and front of him. A man stepped forward "Naruto Uzumaki" asked a very tall man with blue hair,blue skin and gills. "Yeah" The blue man smiled and motioned towards the other three figures. "We are the Akatsuki an organization.." a raven haired man stepped forward "I know what you are, you're hell bent on killing me" Naruto interrupted.

The raven haired man smiled and a red headed man and blonde headed man also stepped forward and the red head replied "Good, you know our organization and so we can skip that and go straight to introductions. I'm Sasori, The blonde is Deidara and the blue one is Kisame and lastly the raven haired one is Itachi"

"Ok, I would introduce myself but you already seem to know me so.. What do you want" Deidara answered the question with a bored expression "We want you to join us. Become a member and you need to make a decision fast because i think someones coming" Naruto thought for a moment and finally came to a decision.

 "All right i'll join you" Itachi looked at him and nodded while Kisame and Deidara raised eyebrows and Sasori had only one thing to say " I thought he'd put up a fight" 'BOOM' A crash sounded behind them "Naruto" It was Kiba and the rest of the gang "Naruto, hold we'll help you" Tenten yelled. The akatsuki laughed at this and Naruto replied "Don't, I'm with them" "What!" "I'm leaving" and with that Naruto reached into his pouch drew out a kunai and scratched his Hitai-ate.

Sasori motioned towards Deidara and said "Take Naruto and go we'll meet you later" Deidara got out clay and made into a bird enlarged it and hopped on and motioned to Naruto. He jumped on and Lee rushed forward "Naruto, I'll save you with the power of youth" Deidara made a simple sign and spoke "Katsu" and the buildings that made the alley blew up and rocks crumbled into the ground blocking Lee and the others from the Akatsuki and Naruto. Itachi looked up an said "Let's go". Deidara flew away with Naruto and Sasori,Itachi and Kisame made a sign and disappeared.       

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