Just Lay Off

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Oh hot damn! Another chapter FINALLY OUT! I know I took FOREVER and for that I am so so so sorry! But for a while there I kinda just lost my passion for writing. It still isn't fully back but it will be. Right now, I'm just so focused on doing what I need to do in my life and for my kids that writing has been placed on the back burner. I'll try not to take so long with the next chapter though, at least not months anyways. Well, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'm sorry if the story is moving slowly.

Another thing, I have no idea how long this chapter is going to be since I wrote it up on my tablet. Sorry if it's short!


Later that morning Hunter found himself sitting in front of his childhood home. His father's car was gone, meaning he was most likely at work for the day. But, his mother was home. He knew she was worried about him. Hell, she had left him numerous voice mails asking him to come home.

He sighed, for the umpteenth time since he had pulled up in front of the house. Hunter really did not want to get out of his truck.

Movement at the front window drew in his attention. His mother was watching him, waiting. She wouldn't rush him out of the car. Wouldn't force him into the house. His parents had never been they type to force him into anything. Hunter loved them all the more for that.

Knowing he couldn't stay out in his truck forever, Hunter got out. Not like he had anywhere else to go. Everyone was busy and he wasn't due to meet up with Celeste til later that day. Basically he was stuck unless he wanted to drive around aimlessly for hours. He couldn't exactly hang out at Danny's all day either, which is why he had left.

It's now or never. Hunter thought, as he trudged up the porch steps.  Just a few hours, that's it. Then you can meet up with Celeste at the studio.

Opening the front door, Hunt dropped his keys onto the entry way table. He could hear his mother puttering around in the kitchen. No doubt trying to find something -- anything -- to keep her hands busy. He knew she wanted to rush over and make sure he was alright. But, like always, she would wait for him to go to her.

Walking into the kitchen Hunter took a seat at the breakfast bar. Silently watching as his mother scrambled up some eggs and bacon. He hated that she had been so worried about him the night before and most of the morning.

"Thank you." He said as she placed the plate of food in front him. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"It's alright sweetie," she said with a sad smile. "At least you let me know you were okay. I would have been a lot more worried if you hadn't replied at all."

"I just needed some time to myself. Though I could have went about it in a better way." He said, knowing he could have and should have. Can't change that now.

"I understand." She nodded placing a hand on his shoulder. "Have you set up at appointment with the therapist you were referred to?"

"No." Hunter replied bluntly. "I don't want to see any more shrinks or therapists. I've dealt with enough of those to last a lifetime."

"Sweetheat," she sighed, taking a seat next to him. "You need to continue with your sessions. You know that."

"I've been to more sessions than I can count and not one of them did any good. I know you think it's the best thing for me. Hell, they all say so, but I'm just over it. I'm tired of people trying to analyze me and trying to pick apart my life. I'm doing fine. I am fine so can we please drop it?" He said, the conversation was getting old.

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