Chapter 14

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"Wait," I struggle indecisively within myself. To be honest, I have not needed to make a lot of big decisions in my life. It makes me feel more sheltered and spoiled than I would like.

Alfredo's eyes flick to me and he motions with his gun to continue.

I stare at him dumbstruck. Why'd I say wait? Wait, don't shoot me! Or wait, I'll tell you everything and then you can kill me because I will be of no use after I tell you? I can only see the downside of both sides.

What I don't know is why Alfredo would question me of all people? Why not question any of the Riccas? The Riccas know the exact location of what the skeleton key opens into. I'm sure they closely guarded the secret that the key was missing. Thus, they had a higher chance of having the key. I've been missing, probably presumed dead for the past four years. I do no know why and how the Acerbis or even Jacob discovered I was alive.

It's just a pity that they don't have the only key that could open it. I forgot the name of the genius who created the secret little base, but only the Skeleton Key can open it for some reason. There are no other ways someone may try to break in. (I detect some supernatural power). However, I never got to caring enough to research about it. I would rather think there's some type of magic that shields the base so there's no way of detecting the place unless you're in the base.

It was hilarious when the Riccas tried to force their way in when they saw the key was missing. I could not hide the satisfaction I felt at their desperation. The looks on their faces! It was sweet revenge. The greatest part was they actually didn't know who took it back then. I was always the innocent piccola, the one everyone protected and sheltered. Yet, I wasn't given the name Viviana for no reason. Anyways, I think they still aren't absolutely sure who has the key. Now, the most sadistic, trained men of the Ricca family guard the base 24/7. I think it's a waste of time and men since no one but me can enter.

I did open Pandora's box. The Riccas are one shady but cunning family. It must be why they have been the longest to last. There is information not only on the Riccas, but everyone one else involved with them. It's a library, but not. I have always wondered how and why there are so many files. There's just cabinets full of them. Who did this all? I never did have the chance to read any of them.

If there is any chance of someone succeeding and entering the place, they will be in for a nasty surprise. I cooked up a few little something's that I cannot be sure won't kill a few dozen.

"I don't have the key, but I know someone who does." I lie effortlessly. It's a half lie, half truth. I placed the key in the safest place I could think of. I actually don't have it on me because I knew that someone could take it from me one day no matter what. I like to be prepared.

"I-I can lead you to him." I continue. I'm trying to think of a plan, making things up as I go. It's not a very good one, but at least it'll save me some time.

"Who is this man?" Alfredo finally lowers his gun and listens intently. I'm beginning to learn little bits about Alfredo. That doens't make me any less confused due to the fact he's a bundle of contractions. One minute he is collected, another he is furious and impatience.

"I will give you his name, if you shall set me free." I bargain.

"How about you give me his name and you will still have all your limbs?" He barters with a straight face.

I guess he makes a good point. "His name is Jacob Smith."

"Jacob Smith..." he tastes the name on his tongue. A man approaches him as Alfredo whispers in his ear. They converse heatedly for a brief moment. I faintly here snippets in Italian but I cannot connect the phrases together. After he leaves, Alfredo grins chillingly, "You shall bring us to him."

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