Chapter 7~ DADA

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~ Dahlia's POV ~


Aka: hell.

Normally the class isn't terrible. A joke here and there. General teasing. I walk in and everyone is greeted normally, except me.

"Miss Praunt, your skirt is too short."

I glare at him and pull it down a bit. "Sorry, sir."

"Dress code is very serious. It's nothing to joke around about. I'd give you detention, but I heard you have three months with him."

I give him a bittersweet smile and sit down.

"Now, for today's lesson... I have a boggart. I know this is fifth year stuff but it is rather cool. Now... Miss Praunt, what is a boggart?"

"A creature that shape shifts into the fear of the person looking at it," I say annoyed. Pick on someone else please.

"Ah, very good. Five points... What house are you in again?"


"Ah, five points to the nerds."

There are scoffs around the room.

"Anyway," he says loudly silencing the room. "Line up."

I think about what my fear could be as I get fifth in line. Do I have a fear? Not being successful? No I'm not afraid of that.


Spiders? No. They don't bother me..


I don't think I'm scared of anything.


Wait. Yes I am. I am. I jump out of line to the back.

"Praunt! Stop being a baby! Get up in front!" Professor Black laughs.

"Sir can I talk to you."

"After you get up front."

"No, it's important."

He groans. "Alright."

He drags himself over to the back of the room where I am. I put my hand up so no one can read my lips. "I'm afraid of getting Professor Lupin fired."

"Ohhhh!" He says loudly and laughs. "Alright. Makes sense. You don't have to do it."

"Hey that's not fair!" A Slytherin girl yells.

"You're irrelevant. Bye. Ten points from the snakes for talking out."

When class is over the girl corners me. "You're sleeping with him aren't you?"

I raise my eyebrows. "No? Why would you?"

"I may be dumb, but I'm not an idiot. You're sleeping with him. It makes so much sense now. His teasing on you today. I'm going to tell everyone!"

I laugh. "I'm not sleeping with him. Now if you excuse me, I have to go study."

She glares at me. "I'll catch you to and prove it to everyone."

I walk off and careless wave my hand behind me. "Have fun with that."


After some studying in the library, I go to detention. Professor Lupin is very lenient about the times I show up. When I get there I slam my books on his desk, cross my arms, and flop down in a chair. He arches an eyebrow at me.

"Something the matter?"

"Some girl thinks I'm sleeping with Professor Black."

He laughs. "That's ironic."

"It's not funny. I think she's stalking me now. I saw her outside the hallways before I got here. I think she has her ear on the door or something."

"Hm, well, what's it matter. I'm sure she'll have a fun two hours listening to your quill scratching lines."

While he says this he gives me an overdramatic wink and puts up a charm. He then pockets his wand and opens the door, letting the Slytherin girl fall in the room.

"Told you!" I said with a laugh. With a blush she gets up and skitters off.

"Goodbye!" He calls after and shuts the door.

He turns to me and strolls over with a smile. His hand fall on my shoulders and he starts rubbing them. "I have to grade papers today. I'm really behind. Like really behind. And then I need to start more lesson plans and then the cumulative tests."

I laugh and tilt my head back to look at him. "Sounds like you're the one who needs a back rub."

He smiles weakly. "I wish. But, paperwork."

"Uh, take a break. Lay in bed and I'll rub your back," I say standing up.

"I don't know..."

"Go on. Just a few minutes."

He sighs gratefully and we go to his room. He peals his shirt off and lays face down in bed. "Have at it."

I laugh and sit on his lower back. I start kneading in between his shoulders and he lets out a moan of relief.

"So, what are you doing for --Jesus your back is full of knots-- for break?" I ask seeing as though December twenty fourth is coming around soon.

"Hopefully --wow that feels good-- hopefully you."

"Hm... I think I can work you in sometime. My mom normally let's me go places without question." I run my hands now lower on his back passing a scar that looks like an animal scratch.

"Good to know. How about Christmas night? And New Year's Eve. James is having a get together. Maybe you can come?"

"Uhg... Being friends with my Professors... Weird."

"Yeah that's really lame if you."

"Hush. I'm giving you a back rub, and the in helping you grade papers."

"You're a lifesaver."

"I know."

He flips himself and sit up so I'm in his lap facing him. He kisses me cutely and nuzzles into my neck. "Let's just stay like this for a bit."


Smut next chapter probably. Ily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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