Chapter 13- Good News

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* Chapter 13- Good News *

I stepped out of the hot shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I shivered due to the sudden chill creeping up my spine, hugging the towel closer.

I quickly slipped on the clothes I had chosen to wear for the day. I brushed through my wet hair and coated my thick eyelashes with a thin layer of mascara, defining them a bit more.

Dean had woken me up bright and early this morning, claiming he was having guests over. As tired as I was from beating him at video games all night, I got out of bed and managed to get to the shower, which woke me up a little more.

I slid on some fuzzy socks, considering the chilly hard-wood floor only made me colder. I yawned tiredly before trudging out of my room and downstairs, where I heard some unfamiliar voices.

"I know this is very short notice, but I really hope you guys can come. It would be good for you, and I wouldn't want you to miss is for the world." I recognized a girl's voice echoing from the kitchen.

"I couldn't have said it better myself. Do you think you can?" Another voice said, only this time it was a male, and it wasn't Dean.

I slowly approached the kitchen, noticing a few people sitting at the small table. Dean was there, along with a young girl and a young man. Their eyes landed on me immediately, making me feel both intimidated and insecure.

However, they all smiled warmly at me, as of they were expecting me.

"Is this her?" The girl asked, exchanging glances between Dean and I. He slowly nodded his head and her smile grew wider as she stood up from her seat. She walked over to me and held out her hand for me to shake, her brown eyes staring into mine.

"Hi, my name is Ashley and I'm Dean's sister. It's so nice to finally meet you, Dean has told me so much about you", she said proudly, making my cheeks flush.

She turned her attention toward the guy who was sitting next to her, signaling for him to come over.

He stood up and came towards us, smiling brightly at both me and Ashley.

"Hey, my name is Elliot. Pleasure to meet you", he said politely, shaking my hand as well. I nodded my head towards both of them, sending Dean a pleading glance. These people seemed extremely nice, but it felt so awkward. Why was he being so quiet?

"I was just making some tea, why don't you come sit down with us?" Ashley offered kindly.

"Sure, I'd love some", I said walking towards the table and sitting next to Dean.

Elliot sat across from me, whereas Ashley sat across from Dean. Their cups of tea were near empty, but were full after Ashley had poured a decent amount in each of them.

Upon sitting across from them, I noticed just how good looking they both were. Ashley had long dark hair that fell down her back in waves and her face had a clear, tan complexion. There was a huge resemblance between her and Dean, and she was seemingly beautiful.

Elliot had chocolate colored hair that was spiked up, his eyes matching the color. His cheekbones were high and his lips were plump; he was an extremely good looking guy. His hand was draped across Ashley's shoulder, implying that they were together. It wasn't surprising; they looked perfect for each other. They were the typical high school couple everyone would love, but radiated a mature and sophisticated aura.

"It's so nice to finally meet you Ashley, I've been wanting to thank you for lending me those clothes. It was so nice of you, considering I didn't know you. I really appreciated it and I'm happy I could tell you in person", I said politely, breaking the awkward silence. Her face instantly brightened up, sending me a grateful smile.

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