Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Fuck, Wank, Bloody fucking balls.” I kept muttering profanities under my breath as I ran around the flat trying to hunt out my phone. The night before I had gone straight from work to Lexi’s and by the time I got home I just collapsed into bed without thinking about putting it on charge. Now I had no idea where the fuck I had left the damn thing.

“Jenn what the fuck man?! You’re like a one woman hurricane!” Ty stood by his bedroom door surveying the mess I made throughout the flat. I turned and took in my surroundings and realised it was pretty bad. Sofa cushions were strewn across the room, all the draws were open in the kitchen and the cabinets of the living room. I bit my lip and gazed at the pile of coats that were on the floor by the door where I had dumped them in my haste to check the pockets of the jacket I had worn yesterday. My room was most definitely worse with washing thrown across the room and my quilt on the floor.

“Uh. I lost my phone. It literally has disappeared off the face of this planet, I’ve searched everywhere I was so sure it was in my pocket when I came home. I’ve tried phoning it like twenty times as well.” I groaned and sat down with my head in my hands. I knew I had it at work for sure because I had used the calculator to work out a drip rate on some IV fluids, after that I couldn’t be sure what I had done with it. Ty stared at me for a minute before laughing.

“You’re such a knob Jenn. Don’t you have an iPhone? Use the find my phone thing.”

I stared at him, “The what?” Ty groaned looking exasperated before disappearing into his room and returning with a laptop. He sat next to me and loaded up the icloud site.

“What’s your ID to log in?” He asked patiently. I screwed my eyes shut trying to remember my password, I never really used it often and when I did I had it saved on my phone. Something I didn’t really want to tell him.

“Umm…. I don’t know my password it’s one of like four things. I… Uh… Hang on.” I jumped up and hurried into my room, opening the draw of my nightstand I pulled out a little diary that I used to store some information I forgot easily. I was pretty sure I had written my ITunes stuff on it.

Returning to Ty I sat down and flicked through the pages until I found the one I wanted, I quickly typed my email and password into the site. “You shouldn’t keep your passwords written down you know. What if someone breaks in and steals all your information?” Ty muttered as I typed.

“Who in the hell is really going to want to know my iTunes and Facebook passwords?! I know the important ones like for my bank, it’s just I keep myself logged in these so I never use the passwords much.” I retorted as Ty leaned across and used the mouse pad to click on the find my iPhone app. A map loaded up in front of me showing a green dot in the centre of the page. I noticed St. Marys Park, double clicking on the map to enlarge the area I instantly recognised the street name it was on. It appeared I had left my phone at Lexi’s flat.

“Bugger.” I muttered, I tried to remember if she was off today or working, being a Saturday there was a greater chance she would be home.

“At the girlfriends then?” Ty laughed.

“Fuck you. How does this even work anyway? It’s kind of creepy that people could find me with my phone!” I chewed my lip staring at the screen thinking what the conspiracy nut jobs would say about it.

“Well it only works when it’s connected to the internet. If you lose the internet it can tell you the last location the internet was on. It’s pretty useful in crimes too, the tech guys love it.”

“Well I suppose I should see if she is at home.” I stood and went to grab some shoes.

“Oi.” Ty called, I turned to face him. “Not before you clean up your mess hurricane girl. I ain’t doing it. If you go there you’ll probably have sex all day, and you know how pissed Loz will be if she sees the flat like this.”

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