Chapter 24 - Family Bonding

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This chapter will have multiple POV changes between Leon and Lauren and even Kayos! It'll be made pretty clear when these changes are made but I just thought I'd give you all a heads up.

PS - The song is pretty much what I was listening to while I wrote this fight, so it MIGHT fit the fight but IDK I just wanted to give you guys a quick peek into my head when I wrote this LOL!


The punch that Leon was hit by sent him tumbling backwards who knows how many times before he felt Kayos stop him by snatching his ankle. The older demon pulled Leon back toward him and brought his fist down so hard that a pillar of sand shot twenty feet in the air, had Leon not managed to roll out of the way he was sure that punch could've broken a few of his ribs. Hitting the back of Kayos' knee so that he dropped down Leon threw his own knee up and caught him in the jaw. It wasn't meant to cause the damage that punch would have but it stunned Kayos long enough for Leon to get back to his feet and thrown a punch of his own.

Kayos saw it coming though and took Leon's legs out from under him and caught Leon with a jab to the gut sending him flying several yards away. After Leon finally stopped bouncing off of the sandy terrain he was getting up to his feet but doubled over and spat out a mouthful of blood while he grabbed at his stomach. Dammit he thought, as strong as he had just become that one punch showed Leon that Kayos was just a bit stronger. He can't just try trading bombs with the older demon like he normally would or else the old man would definitely wind up beating him. He might be a bit faster but he wasn't willing to put that to the test just yet, Kayos was taking a lot of Leon's hits and so far he only had a bit of blood out of the corner of his mouth while Leon had almost upchucked his entire stomach. What the hell do I do?

"Believe me now?" Kayos said while Leon got back to his feet removing his hand from his still somewhat achy stomach. "You're stronger than before I'll grant you that. But you have to see now that I'm still stronger than you are; you can't win Leon."

"I've been told that my whole life...and never once have they been right!" Leon said running at his father again and throwing a wild punch which the older demon avoided by simply stepping to the side. Leon nearly fell on his face thanks to the momentum behind that punch but Kayos caught him around the shoulders and drove his knee into Leon's gut so hard it lifted him right off of the ground. Nearly coughing up another mouthful of blood Leon threw an elbow, catching his father in the side of the head before he grabbed him and tossed him toward a two story ruin. "I don't have any intention of letting you be right on that either!"

Kayos twisted his body around so that his feet hit the ruin first almost knocking it right over before he kicked off of the ruin's wall tackling Leon right out of the air. The two of them were tumbling along the sand before Kayos ultimately wound up on top using his legs to pin Leon's arms down he wound up and through another punch that made stars dance all over Leon's field of vision. Kayos was winding up for a second punch but Leon caught him in the back of his head with a vicious kick that sent Kayos sprawling to the ground. Leon still feeling slightly groggy was back on his feet and threw a punch at his the back of his father's head only to have his fist be caught and his hand twisted in such a way that it brought him down to his knee.

"You're not good enough to be fighting with me boy." Kayos said as he turned around and threw another punch catching Leon again in the gut sending him probably thirty feet straight up into the air. Kayos launched himself up to where Leon was and said, "Give up and save yourself the embarrassment." Before he brought both hands across Leon's back sending him straight down to the ground.

The ground that he landed in may have been sand but that did almost nothing to lessen the impact as Leon slowly picked himself back up. Kayos landed right in front of him and crouched down so that they might talk on a more even level. "Do you concede?"

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