2. I Was In Your Sight

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 A/N Omg, I'm so sorry guys. I owe you all a huge apology for not updating in 3 months! I'm so so sorry. I've been really sick the last few days and I'm so busy with school I couldn't find the time to write. I'm already warning you, the next chapter will probably also take at least a month to write. I'm a really slow writer with not much spare time so I'm already sorry.

But anyways, here's chapter 2. It's not as good as I hoped and not so long but I hope you like it. Tell me what you think in the comments.x

**Abby’s POV**

“Does Niall Horan stays in this hospital?” I asked the lady behind the desk. She was reading some magazine. Didn’t she had something better to do? She looked up from whatever she was reading and looked at me.

“Yes.” She said and looked back down.

“What room is he in?” I asked her.

“I’m sorry. I can’t tell you that.” She said not even looking at me. This lady was really getting on my nerves.

“Please? I really need to see him.” I tried again.

“I’m not allowed to tell anyone except for his friends and family.”

“Then you can tell me, I’m a friend of him.”

“Anyone could say that.” She said clearly not believing me. Ugh, she was so annoying.

I gave up the discussion with the woman and walked away from the desk. I took my phone out of my purse and dialled Liam’s number. He picked up after a few rings.

“Hi Abby. Where are you?” Liam said as he picked up the phone.

“Hi Liam. I’m in the hospital but that woman don’t want to tell me Niall’s room.” I explained the situation to him.

“Oh, wait. I’ll come to you. You’re at the reception, right?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’ll just wait here.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a few.”

I ended the call and sat down on one of the chairs in the room.  As I was waiting for Liam, I looked at the people who were coming into the hospital or who were leaving the building. There passed a couple who looked so happy. The woman was holding a baby and the man carried her bags. That was the cutest thing I had ever seen, it made me smile.

I looked away from the couple with the baby and saw another woman entering the building with flowers and a sad look on her face. I wondered who she was coming to visit and what happened to him or her.

I looked down at my feet. I was still wearing my black heels from a few hours ago. It had been just a few hours but it felt like ages. So much had changed in those few moments. My feet really started to hurt in those shoes so I decided to just take them off.

When I was getting my second foot out of the shoe, I saw someone coming up to me in the corner of my eye. I looked up and saw Liam standing in front of me.

“Hi” He said. “Long time no see.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while.” I said as I got up and embraced him in a hug.

“Ready?” he asked. I slightly nodded.

 “Come on, follow me.” He said as he turned around and made his way over to the elevator. I took my heels from the floor in my left hand and my purse in my right. I quickly looked at the woman behind the desk giving her an evil stare. She deserved it. I followed Liam to the elevator and we waited for it to arrive.

We stepped into the elevator when it had come to our level. Liam pressed the button to the 4th floor and we just stood there silently waiting. There was only one other lady in the elevator. I smiled friendly at her and she did too. I looked back down at the ground. It felt cold under my bare feet.

As the elevator reached the 4th floor, we got out and walked to the room Niall was staying in. I took a deep sigh before entering the room. Suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up from the ground and saw Liam looking at me with a encouraging look in his eyes.

“Ready?” he asked.

“yeah.” I sighed preparing myself for the worst.

We entered the room. The first thing that cached  my eye was a big bed with extremely white sheets. I looked to the head of the bed to see those familiar blonde peeks of dirty blonde hair. His normally bright blue eyes were closed and the smile that had always cheered me up was gone.

I walked over to the bed dropping my purse and shoes on the floor. I took his hand in mine and looked at his face. He looked so weak. Who could’ve done this to him? And why? What had he done to deserve this?

**Harry’s POV** 

Me and the lads were now sitting already for a couple of hours in the hospital. After the accident, Niall had immediately gone into surgery. He had been in there for so long, I’d gotten scared he wouldn’t make it. I was so afraid to lose him.

After what had felt for ages, he had come out of surgery and we were allowed to see him. The doctors said he was okay now but he was still in a coma. Nobody knew for how long that would be.

I was sitting in one of those really uncomfortable hospital chairs next to Niall’s bed  with Lou in the chair next to me and Zayn and Liam also each in a chair on the other side of the bed when  Liam’s phone started ringing. He took the thing out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID. He got an expression on his face I couldn’t place immediately.

His eyes went away from the little screen and met mine. Why was he looking at me? Just answer the damn phone Payne!

It was like he could read my mind, cause he stood up from his chair and went out of the room to answer his phone.

My eyes followed the boy until the door was blocking my sight. I tried to listen who it was as Liam talked quite loud but the beeping of the monitors in the room were too loud for me to hear him clearly.

I heard he had stopped talking but he didn’t came back in the room. Instead, I heard him walk away. Where was he going to? He probably just went to get a coffee. But then, why didn’t he asked if we wanted one too? He was maybe just going to the toilet. Yeah, the toilet. That was why.

A few minutes later,  I heard the door open.  Liam came in, but he wasn’t alone. A girl in a blue, strapless dress was following behind him. Her brown curls were falling down  her back. It looked like she was already awake for a long time cause her hair wasn’t that perfect anymore as it probably used to be and she had little bags under her eyes. She walked over to Niall’s bed and dropped her black heels she had in her hands, in the middle of the room. 

Everything about her was perfect. Although to other people she looked horrible right now, she looked absolutely stunning to me. From the moment she walked in the room, I knew who it was. Abby. My Abby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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