Chapter 56: This Is My Calling!

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My paws ate up the ground beneath me, strong and study, well fueled and well muscled. I felt like I could run for ages. Aisu barked next to me, his blue eyes glittering with child-like happiness. My heart started to beat a bit faster at his joy. With a wolfish grin, I surged forward, racing him, racing the wind. I was unstoppable.

A howl of happiness roared through my jaws as we sped onward, and my legs flew faster through the woods. Aisu nipped playfully at my ears as we ran, and I nipped at his flank, a teasing gleam in my eyes. I love this boy.

Aisu released a rumble, his mouth quirked in a mischievous smile. I let out a bark of laughter as Pierre the Hummingbird settled on his ear. A grin pushed its way onto my lips, met with no resistance. Pierre meant that Archer was nearby. I grinned again and shifted back to a human, my eyes as brighter than ever before. “Snow!” Archer called, launching himself at me. I laughed and swung him around happily.

“Archer!” I replied good-naturedly. Pierre and Aisu chased each other playfully, zooming here and there as almost faster than I could track. “How’s my favorite ten year old doing?” Archer rolled his eyes as he sat himself beside me. I followed suit, and began tearing up clumps of grass.

“Pierre said that Kallen and Xander are fighting again.” Archer said sadly. “Pierre says that they fight a lot.” I frowned.

“Well that’s too bad.” I replied quietly. “I hope that Kallen and Xander fix whatever it is that they’re fighting about.” Archer nodded beside me.  I watched with a smile as Aisu rolled on the grass, still chasing after Pierre, and broadened it as I remembered how far we’d come.

I could remember when Aisu didn’t call me anything but “Mistress”, and now he called me “Snow”, each and every time. His formality had gone, and we had replaced it with a mutual sort of casualness.  I loved it. A giggle escaped my lips as Aisu pounced on me and licked my face until I pushed him off.

I ruffled his fur and smiled at Archer. “What’s new, Archer? Did anything exciting happen?” Archer’s eyes flickered back and forth between Aisu and I before he smiled knowingly.

“Not really.” Archer said with a twinkle in his eyes. “Do you remember the Mission Master?” I nodded. “He has a mission for us.” Aisu whined beside me, curiosity seeming to radiate off his body. I laughed at him.

“Patience, Aisu.” I said quietly. “We’ll see what it is.” Archer beamed at me as I turned back to face him and excused himself to go play with some other children his age. I waved goodbye. I stood slowly, soaking in the warm sunshine that would soon become much cooler as fall rolled about. I could already see the few trees that had changed prematurely, sporting the vibrant colors of autumn. Aisu shifted beside me and grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of Base.

With a grin, Aisu took me through the still new twists and turns of the hallway until we reached the Mission Master’s office. Snow, there’s something you should know. Aisu said softly as we entered and stood apart.

What? I responded, voice betraying my panic.

Human and Familiar relationships like we have are frowned upon. I nodded to myself and paid rapt attention as the Mission Master entered the room from the depths of his office and into his more open meeting room. Aisu and I took seats next to each other at one side of the dark wood table, and the Mission Master took a seat on the other side. “We’ll need to wait for a few more people before we brief you on your mission.” The Mission Master said. Aisu and I nodded.

The Mission Master was a tall, well-built man with closely cropped hair and an obvious military background, most likely in the Government’s Army. Tattoos rippled up his arms as he moved and his cautious hazel eyes seemed to take in every detail of Aisu and I.

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