Enclosed. A Hunger Games Story. Chapter Two

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The time finally comes for the twenty fifth Quarter Quell's twist to be announced. All around the country, citizens of Panem are situated in front of their televisions, anticipating President Whitely to appear and give her speech concerning the Games' anniversary.

The program finally begins. Whitely is shown in front of a booth on the all-too-familiar stage where countless tributes - winners and losers - have tried their best to seem strong in front of the millions of eyes of their fellow citizens. On the booth is a small box. Many old, yellowed envelopes are peeking out the top of it.

The president undergoes the typical protocol. The greetings. The speech about the Dark Days. The explanation of the Quarter Quells.

"Soon, Panem will be celebrating the 625th Anniversary of the Hunger Games! It will be the Twenty Fifth Quarter Quell." she says. Her trademark voice, powerful and beautiful, is far too enthusiastic for the occasion. She smiles, flashing her dazzling white teeth, while flipping her long, chestnut brown hair over her shoulders. Her icy blue eyes stare into the camera, bright, but with a suspicious snake-like gaze.

In the Capitol, the round of applause for the announcement is deafening. In the Districts, people are glaring at their screens, shaking their heads in disgust, and holding back tears in memory of lost loved ones.

Whitely shuffles through the envelopes in the box before pulling out one of them, assumingly the one specified at the beginning of the Hunger Games for the Twenty Fifth Quarter Quell.

As she opens the envelope, she begins the characteristic speech to reveal the twist in the Games. "As a reminder to the districts that they will always fail, 25 tributes will be chosen from each district to compete in the games. And starting this year, District 12 and 13 will resume to compete"

Surprised gasps emitted from practically everyone watching the program. The same question surfaced at the top of almost everyone's minds. How is this even possible? 325 tributes?

She continues. "And after all the tributes are chosen, they will all be brought to the capitol and they will vote on one district to be destroyed as a reminder that the capitol is and always will be in charge. They will then be in an extensive amount of training as the arena will be built on that destroyed district."

Everyone is blown out of their minds. 325 tributes, and a destroyed district?

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