You Fail!

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      I extinguished the chidori right before I punched Kakashi in the stomach.  Passing was essential for the mission, killing the teacher probably wouldn’t be acceptable.  My fist hit the hard outside of Kakashi’s abs, and the force threw him in the air.

      A cloud of smoke surrounded Kakashi before he disappeared.

      “Damn it!” I yelled.  A shadow clone.

      “… I’m different from them,” Sasuke’s voice said in the distance.  He had to be talking to Kakashi.

      I raced to the sound of the voices.  I climbed up a tree and sat myself to watch the two.  Sasuke was the only one who hadn’t gone for a frontal attack, and by the looks of it, he planned on doing that now.

      The two silver bells on Kakashi’s side jingled lightly. “Why don’t you say that after you get a bell, Sasuke,” Kakashi said calmly staring at Sasuke across the clearing. 

      Sasuke reached behind his back and grabbed shuriken hurling them at Kakashi who immediately jumped out of their way.  Sasuke was making this too easy, normal attacks would never work.

      One of the shuriken flew past Kakashi slicing a rope.  A trap?

      The trap slung a bunch of weapons towards Kakashi.  Kakashi jumped out of the way of every single kunai and shuriken gracefully and skidded backwards throwing up a little bit of dirt into the air.  I thought I even heard Kakashi gasp when Sasuke appeared above him going in for a roundhouse kick.  Kakashi blocked the kick and held onto Sasuke’s foot.  Sasuke went to punch Kakashi with his foot still caught, but was yet again blocked.  Nothing was going to work.  Sasuke threw his other leg around at another attempt at kicking Kakashi, making the bells jingle.  Sasuke smirked.

      No fucking way, I thought, and I’m sure Kakashi was thinking the exact same thing as Sasuke’s fingers brushed the silver bells.

      Kakashi flung himself back out of the way of Sasuke and they continued to stare at one another.

      Hmph.  It didn’t look like Kakashi would get much reading done with this one as his student.  No, Sasuke was really proving to be a challenge.  He expertly laid a trap and even got close enough to touch a bell, which was more to say than me.

      I sighed.  I really had to step up if I didn’t want to get shown-up by genin.

      “I’ll admit you’re different than those two,” Kakashi said loudly to Sasuke.  For a second I saw Kakashi’s eyes flicker to me, maybe to see the reaction on his statement.  

      He was different than us though.

      Compared to Naruto he was a genius and incredibly skilled.

      Compared to me, he was a wanna-be.

     Sasuke smirked at Kakashi’s statement and began forming a number of hand signs.  “Blazing fireball!” he shouted and raised to fingers to his mouth before blowing a fireball out directed at Kakashi.

     I looked closer in amazement.  He shouldn’t have that much chakra.  That wasn’t a technique he should be able to do as a genin.  When the flames disappeared it also revealed that Kakashi disappeared with them.

      “He's gone!” Sasuke shouted looking frantically around, “Is he behind me? No, above? Where is he?”

      “Beneath you.”  Sasuke gasped as Kakashi’s gloved hand emerged from the ground and grabbed his leg.

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