Childhood Friends Barry x Dawn (requested by Pinksparkles1502)

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Dawn and Barry have been friends for as long as they can remember. But a certain someone was feeling more than just friendship.
"And I can't help but want to kiss her!" Barry said to his friend Lucas.
"Then why not try?" Lucas responded and bit into a sandwich. It was lunch after all.
"I can't! What if she hates me after that? What if she's already a boyfriends?! WHAT IF SHES ALREADY MARRIED?!???!"
Lucas raised an eyebrow at his hyperventilating friend.
"Calm down dude. It's not like she's married cause she's only 16. And she would have told us if she got a boyfriend. And she can't hate you cause you and her have been friends for the longest time." Lucas said logically.
"Right....right...I just need to...I just need to attack her!" Barry said heroically.
"How is that going to make her like you?!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Look, just tell her how you feel." Lucas said after they calmed down.
"But how is that going her like me?!" Barry shouted.
" shows how honest you are?" Lucas said unsurely. "Ah! Perfect timing, there she is! See ya!"
Lucas left Barry there.
Dawn walked up to her friend and sat down next to him.
"Hey Barry!" She greeted.
"Oh! Um, hey Dawn!" Barry said nervously.
"What was all that about?" Dawn asked, remembering the sight of Barry shouting at Lucas.
"Like you?" Dawn finished.
Barry suddenly fell over into a fountain.
"How did you know!" Barry questioned, not even bothering to get up.
"I knew for a very long time, but I was just waiting for you say it." Dawn giggled.
"Erm...can you come over here?" Barry asked.
Dawn walked up to the fountain and Barry grabbed her arm and she fell in too.
Barry laughed hysterically. He grabbed Dawn's face and kissed it. Lucas was watching smugly in the shadows.

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