Chapter 2----Help!!!!

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Been awhile since I last wrote. SORRY!!!!!

This story goes back and forth between Marco and Victoria so now it's Victoria's p.o.v.

Hope you enjoy!!!!


Victoria (p.o.v.)

"Marco! Open your eyes! Baby!" I probly would look crazy if anyone was around. I knew this gang shit would end badly. "Somebody! Help!"

Not like anyone would, by the time Igot here everyone was gone. His own gang that calls each other 'brothers' left him. When his real brothers who got out of this very gang find out, there will be blood. I told him not to come but 'No it'll be fine' is what he said. What's fine about this.

When I  got here, there was blood everywhere. It was already starting to stain the ground. Even though there was nobody here, I could hear the cries and yells of the battle that took place here. Now here I am, with Marco lying in my arms breathing shallower by the second, as I look for something wrong with his body. It barely looks touched expect for a spot of red with a hole... oh shit that's a bullet hole.

His blood poured from the bullet hole after I removed his stained shirt. I pressed the shirt to his wound, I was doing everything I could on my own cause I forgot to bring my phone. God how could I have been so stupid. When I decided to come, I called his brothers and told them what was happening and where. But I called them about 20 minutes ago.

That's when I heard wheels screech to a halt. I hope it's someone who can help or Marco's brothers, Sal and Alfonso. But what if it's the South Side Locos his 'brothers'. This thought scared me to no end, they probly came back to make sure Marco was dead so he couldn't talk, even though he wouldn't. A warm, firm hand rested on my shoulder and my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't stop the scream that escaped me. A familair voice was my wake up call for my thoughts, it was Sal, Marco's older brother. "Victoria? The cops are coming, Alfonso called for back-up but what the fuck happened."

i thought of that question as Alfonso, Marco's older brother but younger then Sal took Marco from my arms. I tried to grab him back but Sal enloped me in a bear hug type of thing. Alfonso threw Marco's blood soaked shirt to the ground, then took off his own shirt to compress it to Marco's wound as I had been doing before they came. Before I started going out with Marco 6 months ago I would have stared at Alfonso's bare si pack. But now all I could look at was my boyfriend bleeding in front of me.

"Victoria?! What happened??!!" Sal asked again.

What did happen? I got here too late to know, but the bullethole was a big clue that things went deadly wrong. When Marco wakes up I'm gonna tell him just how messed up this, just so he will finally listen. Things are going downhill so fast right now. We've been going out for 6 months and things are shit now. "I don't know," was all I could say. With knowing that I had no clue what or who did this to my boyfriend, with that knowing I couldn't stop my tears. Soon Alfonso's shirt was soaked with blood, I knew Marco would be gone soon.

When all looked lost the red and blue flash from cop cars and the sound that made my heart stop. An ambulance! But that question was know stuck in my head. What happened?

The ambulance loaded Marco inside and Sal went with him. Alfonso took off to his car like a man out of hell, pulling me by the elbow. We hopped inside and followed the ambulance.

Please bay don't let me lose you. Fight for life. Fight for me. God please let him live. I need him. You've taken so much not him. Please not him.


Do you think he should live?

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I'll upload again soon but I'm the youngest of 3 and my older sister is having her baby shower tomorrow. Wish me luck cause they live with me!!!

And again comment and vote!!!

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