Clueless Yuuki x Gold (requested by yuuki_minamoto)

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He loved her. But she was so clueless.That's how Gold felt about Yuuki. He has tried doing advancements towards his best friend, but nothing. She'd just tilt her head (which was adorable in Gold's opinion) and ask what was wrong. And it frustrated Gold so much.
"ERGH!!!! WHY IS SHE SO COLD AND CLUELESS!!!" Gold raged into the phone to his other friend Crystal.
Crystal couldn't get a word in while Gold raged on and on.
"Gold, shut up!" Crys screamed.
Gold stopped talking and listened to what Crys had to say.
"If you keep saying she's clueless, why not tell her directly?"
And that made Gold want to kick himself where the sun don't shine.
"Arceus, I'm an idiot!" Gold said to himself, facepalming.
"You just realized that?"
"Oh, thanks Crys!"
And they hung up. So then the next day, Gold went to school as always and rushed to find Yuuki. He saw her walking on the sidewalk and he ran over to her.
"Hey Yuuki!"
Yuuki looked up and smiled.
"Hello Gold, good morning!"
Gold could feel a slight blush on his face, but he wasn't that concerned about it.
"Gold? Why is your face red?"
"Hm? Uh, no reason."
So then the day went on, and it killed Gold on the inside that he hadn't had the chance to tell her. So finally at the end of the day, Gold practically dragged Yuuki to a more secluded area.
"Gold? What's wrong?" Yuuki asked since where they were wasn't really close to either of their houses.
"Look I love you okay? I've been trying to tell you all day now but I never got the chance and you never seem to notice when I flirt with you and you just laugh at the pick-up lines and-" Gold ranted before Yuuki silenced him with a kiss.

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