Kidnapped Chapter 34

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Noah POV

I sit in my cell after the officer locks the gate and wanders off somewhere. I can't believe that was the last time I'll ever see Alex. Her beautiful face, her body, her sweet, caring personality. I feel blessed, despite the circumstances, to have met her.

I can't believe my brother is dead. I never imagined he could be capable of such atrocities and drag me into it. He never mentioned they were kidnapped, that he had hurt them and when he mentioned that he decided not to kill them, I thought he was joking. How could one think their own flesh and blood could do such horrible things?

I sigh, and think back to Alex. I owe her my life. Thanks to her, I won't rot in jail because of my brother. She convinced Jess to help and they got me out. When I saw her, not less than 20 minutes ago, I got the same feeling I did when I first saw her at the house. It's like I got tunnel vision and she was the only one in the room. A light glowed around her, illuminating her face.

I've wanted to apologize to her for so long now. I never meant to shoot her and I couldn't live with myself knowing that she thought I tried to kill her. I mourned the death of my brother, was devastated and embarrassed to have to talk to our parents. My mother, she's not as strong anymore, she couldn't handle it. She now lays in a hospital bed dealing with the aftermath of the heart attack she got when she saw what had happened on the news, and recognized her sons. One dead, one alive on his way to prison for kidnapping. My dad hasn't spoken to me or visited and I don't blame him. We were never a touchy-feely type of family.

I told Alex im moving back to California. I am, but not permanently. I've never been able to stay in one place for long and now with my face plastered all over news, I'm sure even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to stay in one place.

"Noah Montgomery," I look up to see a officer take his keys out and unlock the gate.

"What's going on?" I ask. Could I be leaving already?

"You're free to go. The meeting with Miss Janssen was the only thing keeping you here."

I sit there for a couple seconds. I've been in jail and prison, back and forth for trials and all that. I'm finally getting out. I get a queasy feeling in my stomach. I think I'm actually nervous to see daylight again. I mean there's windows here but i haven't been outside for more than 5 minutes to get in cars and off to court.

The officer opens the door and steps aside for me to pass through. He leads me down a hall and up to a glass window with a office on the other side. There's a woman sitting behind the glass, looking extremely bored. She has manly look to her, her hair in a tight bun.

"I'm back," the officer im with says.

"I saw you," she says, not looking up from the magazine she's reading.

We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds. The officer im with is tapping his foot impatiently, while the woman continues to read her magazine. Suddenly she sighs, and slowly closes her magazine. She then, without looking at us, slides her chair over to her computer, looks at her watch, and then back to her computer.

"Right this way," she says. She stands up and walks to a door that lets us in to the office she's in. She leads us down another hallway and into a room. In the room there's nothing but a table and some lockers. She opens one of the lockers and takes out the clothes I was wearing the day they arrested me.

"Here, change into these and then make your way back to the front with...this one," she tilts her head to point to the officer I'm with, and I sense that they've recently had an argument. Maybe they're dating. Or were. I grab the clothes from her and begin to strip. The woman walks out of the room closing the door behind her.

"Women," the officer says bitterly. After I finish changing, we walk back to the office, they finish my paperwork, and then he escorts me to the exit. The door opens and I step out.

"Umm...which way to the airport or bus station?" I ask the officer.

"That way," he says, motioning to my left. "It's quite a walk but you'll get there."

"Thanks," I say, digging into my pockets and taking out the only money I have. One hundred dollars. That's going to have to get me somewhere.

I begin to walk down the road, thinking about the last couple of months. About Alex.

Maybe, if God is willing, I'll see her again.

A/N: took me like years to finish this story lol I'm sorryyyyy. I wasn't gonna write this chapter but I decided to write in Noah's POV in case you had any suspicions of Noah's character and whether he was elijah and his intentions. Well this is the end of it, I left the ending like this in case I decide to make a sequel :p I'm not sure because of how long it has taken me to finish this. I need to have a good plot and everything before I even start writing so it can just flow and I can write and upload more easily.

I wanna thank all you guys that stayed and waited for me lol thank you so much for commenting and voting! ❤️❤️❤️

For sequels, if you have any ideas, let me know, maybe I can come up with sometning myself or mix up some of your ideas :)

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