Woke Up Pregnant, Engaged & Kidnapped By The Vampire Prince [7]

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Author’s Note:

This haven’t been edited, I wanted to get this out and over with. I need a good scene for Lucas, I don't want him to die but i leaning towards him getting hurt or something like that. I'm stuck. And need ideals for characters. Plz and thx u. So enjoy any feedback is appreciated. Thanks Love ya, Stay bless.


“It’s not up to you, it’s my body and I do as I choose. You raped me and got me pregnant and I refuse to carry a baby I will never love” She yelled causing me to shake from rage.

How could she say that? I questioned as my eyes became a crimson red as I saw the scared look upon her face.

Hazel continued to step back as I advanced forward, doesn’t she know that I would never hurt her, or cause her harm… pain.

We started playing this game of cat in mouse until her back hit the wall and me standing in front of her.

We stared at each other waiting for someone to break the silence.

I didn’t no know what to say, I wanted to cry out because although my heart doesn’t beat I still felt pain.

I sighed as I felt defeated so if she doesn’t want to be with me or bear my kids there are no reason for me to live.

I will end both of our misery and give her what she wants. I felt so weak but I thought if she would discover the truth she would accept and love me.

“I’m sorry Hazel for coming into your life and causing you pain, that’s the last thing I would do. I will never hurt you. If you want to go to the abortion clinic I’ll have a limo out front in less than an hour to take you. You don’t have to worry about the cost because I’ll have some money waiting for you so no later do you have to struggle for the rest of your life.” I whispered as it will be the last time I would see her face.

“HAZEL…. HAZEL IS YOU READY?” I heard her brothers and sisters screamed from the hallway.

“Ye-yes almost” She stuttered never taking her eyes off of me.

“O.K. HURRY UP” Lillian said before descending the hallway.

“I love you Hazel take care of yourself” I muttered as bloody tears ran down my face before I lend in and kiss her lips one last time before I disappeared.

When I teleported into my dimension I saw my house come into view.

I ran full speed until I got to the front door and swung it open and continued running never stopping until I hit my room but my mother catch up to me.

She’s probably been watching and is embarrassed of me.

“LUCAS WAIT” I heard my mother yelled trying to rush after me.

“STOP” She command as she froze my body turning me to face her.

I couldn’t stand to look at her; all I wanted to do is die.

To die a painful death.

“Please mother let me go” I weep to hurt to fight.

“No son, listen to me Hazel may not love you but we do. I saw what happen and I know what you’ll about to do. Please think about this for me.” She knows once I made up my mind its hard to change it.

I didn’t answer as she let me go causing me to fall to my knees from pain and being weak.

“Son do you want me to talk to her?” My father is known to have a way with words.

“NO… She made up her mind. She doesn’t love me nor what my unborn child. End of my story end of discussion. Please just… just leave me be.” I cried as tears flowed down constantly causing a river to be circled around me.

I ran into my room closing the door before sliding down placing my head in my hands.

She doesn’t love me… no one does.

Janette( Lucas Mother)

I watched as my son ran into his room fist full of tears.

As a mother I was suppose to protect him from heartache but I didn’t prepare him for it.

“What are we going to do?” I whispered to my husband who looked deep in thought.

“Pay Ms. Hazel a visit”

“What? You know how Lucas would feel about that?” I whispered

“Lucas is on the verge of suicide and I refuse to let him die.”

“Your right let’s go before its too late.”


I watched as he disappear his words lingering in the air.

Why did I feel so bad about what I said, maybe just maybe I took it so far.

I wanted to call out to him but my pride wouldn’t allow me.

“Why should I feel so sorry for him if he raped me and got me pregnant” My mind said and I knew she was right.

“Though I wouldn’t call it rape if you enjoyed every movement of it.”


“You heard me”

“Hazel there’s… there’s a limo out front” Lillian yelled as I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

Being pregnant makes you piss a lot and I haven’t eaten yet. Before we go to the clinic I need to go get something to eat.

I made my way downstairs as two beautiful people came into view. I looked at them before looking like back at my siblings to make sure they were o.k.

“Hello Hazel may we have a word?” The lady asks damn no introduction straight to the point.

“I would love too but we have to get going, were quite in a hurry to get to six flags some other time perhaps.” I said politely.

“Oh no worries this will only take a minute, children why don’t you wait in the car.” The guy asks looking behind me at Annabella, Lillian, Justin and Anthony.

“Hey why not I’ve never been in a limo before.”

“I got shot gun”

“Ready. Set. Go.” Justin screamed as they all ran past me causing me to become dizzy.

“Hazel is you alright?” They guy asks making his way over to me. Not to be rude or anything but im ready to get this over with.

“Why are you here?”

“Were Lucas parents and were here because he loves you and he’s going to be dead in a couple of minutes….”


“WHAT it’s true” She said raising her voice. It took a moment for me to process her words and let them sink in.

Maybe they are lying to make me keep the baby. Though that thought killed me apart of me knew I was lying.

“Hazel, I know this is a lot to take in but we have to hurry…”

“WE… there’s no we. No offence but I don’t know Lucas nor you for that matter and I’m suppose to keep his baby. He raped me for crying out loud.”

“One day I’m a virgin then the next I wake up pregnant. So if you’ll excuse me I have an appointment to attend.” I said turning away from his parents in walking towards the limo.

“WAIT” The guy said grabbing me by my wrist and spinning me around.

“What if I would say we would buy you a home for your brothers and sisters? I don’t know how it feels to be raising them as your own and being a single parent but let us help. In exchange for you saving my son and my unborn grandchild.” He whispered as he let me go staring deep inside my eyes… my soul.

“I doubt you have that much money…” I muttered.

“Thanks but no thanks I’m content with what I have.”

“Bank accounts for each child and savings for college, as while as a full-time nanny.” Janette shouted desperately.

Damn… that’s a good offer maybe I should consider. I turned my attention to my brothers and sisters as I saw them playing with window buttons giggling madly as it roll back up and down.

They deserve everything but it’s hard when you got nothing. I mean there wear donated clothes that can hardly fit, ran down shoes that have holes in the bottom. Although I try my best to provide for them I could use some help.

I turned my attention back to his parents deciding my answer, “Yes.”

“Great. Antonio our body guard will take the kids to six flags but we have to get back before its too late.” Janette says as she walks over to a muscular man that I didn’t realize was standing there,

“Wait… let me say goodbye to the kids.”

“O.k. but hurry”

I ran more like wobbled to the limo was Justin open the door for me to get in.

“I’m not going with you guys but Antonio is. Have fun and I will see ya’ll soon. I have some stuff I have to do.”


“I’m sorry but be good and no taking back” I said as I shut the door and made my way back to his parents.

“Let’s go.”

We waited to after the limo pulled away before his father asked me for me to place my hand and his and close my eyes.

“Hazel do not open your eyes until we tell you too o.k.”


I felt wind swirling around me as they guided me through something that made me curious to take a peek.

Darkness upon darkness as it felt like we have been walking for hours but was only minutes.

“Are we there yet my feet is killing me.” I complained.

“Honey, you can open your eyes.”

My mouth dropped as everything was so beautiful.

“No time to stare we have only minutes to spare.” Janette whispered as her husband threw me and his hands and ran full speed in a direction I was uncertain.

Next thing I know we approached an beautiful castle but didn’t have time to admire its beauty because I was upstairs in a room where Lucas was standing next to a blade pointing straight to his heart.

I felt my stomach dropped as I was placed unto the floor.

“LUCAS WAIT” I shouted before I could process my words and what i saw in front of me.

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