Chatper Twenty-Two

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"Emily, you're awfully cheerful for somebody who's normally stuck up," He states, still looking at me funny. "Did you get laid?" Hardy asks nonchalantly.

I feel my cheeks getting really red in embarrassment. "What? How can you ask that?"

Hardy grins. "You did, didn't you?"

I shake my head. "No," I state. "Gosh, even for a gay guy, you're perverted."

He chuckles. "You can take the guy out of the perverted-ness, but you can't take the perverted-ness out of the guy."

I laugh. "Oh, just shut up and eat your sandwich."

Suddenly, somebody sits in the seat next to me and I look over to see Noah. Of all the people, he was the last person I expect to see.

"Hardy," Noah says, acknowledging him.

"Noah," Hardy replies, doing the same.

"Did Matt give you permission to sit over here?" Noah teases.

I smile. "Nope. I've decided to rebel-it-up and sit where I want to."

Noah's mouth drops open in shock and I can tell that he's pretending to be shocked. "Well, I'm impressed," he chuckles.

"Great, now my lifelong dream of impressing Noah Fletcher has been fulfilled," I joke and we both laugh.

"Holy shit," Hardy says, dropping his sandwich and staring at Noah and I.

"What?" Noah and I ask confused, at the same time.

A grin slowly spreads across Hardy face. "The two of you..." he trails off, thinking. "Wow...that's...unexpected."

"Tell me about it," I sigh.

"Wait, you're admitting it?" Noah questions, sounding shocked.

I nod, slowly, just realizing that I said it out loud. "As long as neither of you 'admit' it to Matt," I say quietly.

Hardy shrugs. "Matt doesn't even have time to hang out, so he won't find out from me."

"He hates me, so he won't hear it from me," Noah chuckles.

"Your brother does not hate you," I state. "You guys are just...different," I correct.

He laughs. "That's just the nice way of saying we don't like each other."

They like each other, they're brothers, even though that they may not show it, there's definitely brotherly love there. Especially seeing the side of Noah that he shows me. They have to care.

One more day. Friday is all that I have to get through and then it's Friday-night. My date with Noah. This week has been extremely long, especially since I've been looking forward to tonight every minute of this week. If it were up to me, I would clarify each night this week as a date with Noah. Matt was gone, hanging out with some friends, leaving Noah and I to hang out, and other things...

It's weird to think that everybody believes that I'm with Matt and then I go sneak around to be with Noah. Well, technically, I'm not sneaking around on Matt because Matt's never around to notice.

Matt and I spend time together, it's just...different than when Noah and I spend time together. Matt spends time with me because of how other people will take it, like he has something to prove. Whereas, Noah, spends time with me because he wants to, not to impress anybody, not to make anybody jealous, or mad, just because he wants to be with me. I like the feeling of being wanted back and I've never really thought about being wanted by any other person, besides Matt.

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