Chapter 18: Nightmares and Demons Oh My!

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The dark crimson color was stretched everywhere across the room. Splattered from wall to wall and etched into the thin white sheets of the bed. Something was wrong about this place, yet there was no real answer. Everything was off. The lights were dimmed while the blood seemed more violent and melancholy giving off such a gory story.

I needed to get out of there, but I couldn’t. A dark force seemed to hold me back, yet I had no idea why. Each spot of blood seemed to thicken as it dripped off the ceilings of the hotel room. Flicking my eyes around the room, I saw something so unsettling that I couldn’t help but to gag. As the bile in my throat rose then fell, I could finally make sense of what it was.

Under all the blood and sheets was a body that was so familiar yet forgotten over the years. Scared and frightened, I wasn’t able to move as if I was paralyzed. My legs were stuck to the ground, making it impossible to be mobile.

Suddenly, I started to shiver. There was a cold draft that came from nowhere and everything seemed to come alive. The blood started to darken from a crimson red to almost a deep purple color.

A slight movement from the bed caught my attention. Following after that action, there was a loud piercing scream that didn’t seem to fade away as it echoed on the walls and bounced around, as if it were a stubborn fly trying to get to me. The fly swarmed around me, silencing any other thought in my mind as its piercing wings drilled into my sensitive ears.

When the screaming finally stopped, there was still a ringing in my ears that was almost intolerable to ignore. It was then that I noticed I had closed my eyes and had my hands against my ears. Opening them slowly, my breath hitched as I started to scream myself.

The bed sheets were moving and there was more, more blood, more of the gory liquid that seemed to drift towards my immobile body. The sheets started to move and I found myself almost breathless from the screaming.

I didn’t want the sheets to move.

I didn’t want to see the horrifying body underneath that would be disguised in its own liquids.

I didn’t want to see the horrible wrath of Death fallen onto another being.

I didn’t want to see any of it.

Of course, not everything goes my way.

The sheets pulled back slowly, as if to tease me. It knew I was here, it knew I was scared, and it knew I would recognize the body immediately.

The first thing I saw was the black silky hair. It was knotted and spread out everywhere. Although it was beautiful and silky, it was stained with blood and looked straight from a horror movie. Except this was my own horror movie. Moving further down, I couldn’t take it.

Thrashing out, I screamed as I saw the eyes. The bloodshot eyes that had tears running down them; the eyes that I knew. More importantly, the eyes that I loved and cherished for every single day. The eyes that belonged to the most important woman in the world to me.

Everything fell apart. My mother sprung up from the mattress, crying and pleading for me to help her. Her body was weak and fragile with only a thin white night dress around her. All over her stomach there was blood stained on her dress from underneath. Her neck was barely there, with bite marks all around her. Twisting and turning, her mouth opened again as she screamed. The same horrifying scream from earlier.

Nearly on the verge of passing out, I cried out in terror. Part of me wanted to go up to her. That part ached inside of me but I couldn’t move. The other part of me was in shock. I didn’t want to move. It was too terrifying, too horrific, and too gruesome to watch.

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