Having an Affair with My Soon-to-Be Stepdad [16]

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 Finally, James pulled up to a huge, and I mean friggin' huge, web of white buildings, with an archway saying, 'MADISON ROBERTS ACADEMY'.

 I sighed and stared at the brilliant white buildings. "Oh, joy."

 "Don't be too bummed, kid. They're good people," he said, staring at the white building with a smile.

 Can't you come with me? I wondered in my head. I didn't have the guts to actually ask him, just staring at his hand covering mine.

 He shook my hand a little. "You should go...You'll be late."

 I nodded. We were quiet for a while. "Will you come with me," I said nervously.

 "Scared?" he asked with a smile.

 "No! I'm just....not used to this," I admitted.

 "What do I get out of this?" he asked jokingly.

 "You know I don't have anything to give you," I mumbled. "If you're not gonna go, just say so."

 "Come on," he said, letting go of my hand. He stepped out of the car and I smiled broadly, grabbing my bag and opening my own door.

 He stuck out his elbow and I hesitantly put my hand through his. We walked straight into the administrations building, and I felt my heart soar. I couldn't believe how happy I was just because he had acknowledged me.

 "Now, just be yourself. And I mean it," he said, taking off his sunglasses and clipping them to his breast pocket. "The shabbier you are, the more they'll want you in their school."

 I elbowed him and mumbled, "Shut up."

 He laughed and opened the door for me. I blushed and stepped in. A woman wearing a solid white suit greeted me. She had boring glasses, a boring smile, and a boring voice. The only thing that stood out about her was her bright red hair, that was dying to be let out of its tight bun.

 "Welcome," she said, sticking out her hand to me. "You must be Mirage. And you- Mr. Wright!"

 "Hey, Dorothy," he said, kissing her on the cheek gently.

 She smiled broadly. "Welcome back! I didn't know you had siblings," she said unsure.

 He smiled and said, "Do we look alike?"

 "A bit, yes," she said, pondering over our features. I cringed to myself.

 "She's my....Well, I'm her soon-to-be stepdad," he said with an awkward laugh.

 "I see," she said. "Congratulations!"

 "Thank-you," he said in a quiet voice.

 I took my hand out of his and said, "You can go now."

 "But- I thought...Didn't you want me to stay?" he asked.

 "No. I'm fine, thanks," I said, shaking the lady's hand. "So where should we start?"



  It was twelve pm when I finally finished my interview. James had left when I told him to, and I was alone. I walked down the nearly empty halls and to the front archway. I sat down on the staircase, and sighed heavily.

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