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For some time, I'm going to be taking a break from writing my two fictious stories, Be Good Keisha and Reggie and Rah. It's hard to write about the same topics for such a long time, and my schedule has been filling up, and my drive to write these stories has lowered. However, I do plan on completing these stories, but I'm in no rush to do so. I mean, I think it'd be unfair to the people still reading if I just decided to quit my stories where they're at.

Me taking a break from writing these stories does not mean I'll stop writing on here and checking my Wattpad. I'll definitely still be logging in and showcasing/publishing my work, it just won't be my two current pieces. I want to write something new, fresh, and positive, not something that drains me and makes me sad just to talk about.

I'll be writing poems, short stories, and other pieces on here, but I'm taking a break from these two stories until my drive builds up as high as it used to be.

Sorry for any invionvence, lol. . .


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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