Black Equation - Chapter 25*

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Chapter 25


Faye? Faye, can you hear me? asked a familiar husky voice.


You’re alive, he sighed in obvious relief.  Baby, you shouldn’t let me worry like that.

Why couldn’t she see him? Where was he? And why was it so dank dark? She frantically reached out, trying to hold him, to touch him, to feel the reassuring warmth of his but her hands caught nothing.

Seemed you’re all right now. His voice was fading. You’re going to be fine. Don’t worry.

“Jared? Jared? Where are you?” She ran and ran in what seemed like forever, without any direction, only following his voice that was getting fainter by the minute. “Wait! Wait for me! I said wait!”

I’m so sorry, Faye. This was all my fault.

“Jared! You moron! Show yourself!” Hot tears traitorously escaped her unseeing eyes. She continued to pursue him in what seemed like an endless tunnel of emptiness.

Don’t follow me. Don’t come. This is not your place.

“What are you talking about? Don’t leave me alone! I want to be with you!”

Goodbye, baby.

“You couldn’t do this me.” She dropped down to her knees, tears streaming down her face in torrents. “At least, let me see you. I want to see you…”

Then, wake up.




The sharp, undulating agony brought her back from unconsciousness.

She was burning. She tried to scream, though no sound came out of her parched throat. It was meaningless for her to struggle, she realized. She couldn’t get rid of it.

She tried moving to no avail. She couldn’t feel her limbs.  Her head swam as the fiery burning increased, but if she didn’t retaliate, the darkness would consume her. Darkness meant rest. Darkness promised no pain.

Should she resist it when it was offering her the better side of the deal?

She tried to oppose the darkness but in vain. She was tired, very, very tired. It seemed like giving up was the best option. It was pressing on her, and the only motivation in keeping her stand was her will, which was on the verge of slipping away. Someone was waiting for her. She needed to get back to him. She couldn’t be defeated.

But she was losing. No, no, no!

She had to fight… but why fight?  Isn’t dying better? There was no one waiting for her. Her mama and papa were already both in heaven. She had thrown away the only life she knew, had disappointed and hurt everyone who believed in her and supported her. The boy she loved and the love they shared were nothing but meaningless lies.

No family. No dream. No him.

Why return? Why live?

She heard a muffled sound somewhere. A distraction. She strained to hear it. It became utterly silent after a couple of heartbeats. Then, there were the sounds again, this time getting nearer. It took all her energy just to distinguish them.

Slamming of doors.

Breaking twigs.


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