When Push Comes to Shove

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Chapter Twenty Five

Shutting the carriage door she took a quiet seat and held herself, her mind wandering what might have happened had she taken Lady Heart's offer. However, it was impossible to believe he was leading such a sad and dull life. Groaning she let herself fall back and close her eyes her hands itching to reach for the handle latch and push out of the carriage in search of him.

What then? What on earth would you say to him? She thought to herself.

When the latch clicked and the small door flew open, Scarlett sat up straight startled to see her Sister Mia standing there.

"Thank the heaven's, we thought we'd lost you," she sighed, in an exasperated manner. With a gentle smile Mia climbed into the carriage and studied Scarlett closely.

"You saw him didn't you?" Mia said, taking her hands into hers.

"Yes, he was but mere feet from me, I just could not cough up the courage to speak to him," she replied.

"Why would you feel at edge to speak with him, had you not left on good terms?" Mia asked.

"At times I question whether he really loved me. Maybe it was simply an illusion or maybe he grew fond of me out of pity." She whispered, her frown deepening.

"That might have been, but you didn't stay to find out." Mia replied.

"How could I stay? After everything that happened father would have never allowed it." She protested.

"Do you love him?" Mia asked.

The word brought a great shiver over her. Her mind projecting images of his face. Closing her eyes Scarlett held on to the laces texture of her blue dress. "I don't know, but what I do know is that I cannot stop thinking about him. I can't sleep, I barely even eat and in broad daylight I find myself daydreaming." She sighed in defeat.

"Love." Mia said with a faint smile.

"I've read countless books on love, romance, and sacrifice. Trust is what begins to build the road to love. Dathan and I spent but a few measly months together. There wasn't any room for trust. How was it possible that he fell in love with me?"

"I guess you are right, but then again you are not helping yourself by moping about and avoiding him. Smile, be happy, and if there ever is another opportunity where the two of you meet, be polite and greet him."

Scarlett offered a small smile and said nothing further on the topic. The last night she had been by his side things had taken a drastic turn where Dathan had been bold enough to kiss her. She was no ninny she understood how a man's mind worked. She did not neglect the idea that he might have wanted her that night, but she was more than certain things would have been drastically changed had she caved in. She was haunted by that sudden night and deep down did not regret ever getting the opportunity to get a taste of those wicked full lips.

A small smile found its way to her own mouth and she gently caressed them with the tip of her fingers.


She prepared to cuddle under the covers after she slipped her night gown over her head and unpinned her hair. Before she could sit down she reached for her leathered book sitting on her lamp stand. A deep sigh escaped her as her hands trembled and slowly flipped open the book. Her fingers searched for certain sketches and pulled one out that held his capturing eyes. She smiled as she ran her fingers over the dark charcoal sketches and took a deep breath before hugging the leathered brown book against her chest.

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