Chapter 2: My Perfect Girl - Kim's POV

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Okay.. So here's the next chapter. I promised to put here the stories behind the names but looks like I can't but I'll find a way. 

This chappie will be Kim's POV.. Who's Kim?? Let's find out.. So please vote and comment. :D 


I woke up early to the sound of my alarm clock. I turned it off and looked around. It's still dark outside. Perfect.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on my blue jogging pants and white t-shirt. I also put on my favorite blue jacket with hoodie and my running shoes. I grabbed my ipod as I went outside. I always start my morning with an exercise because I believe that to start your day right, you need to have a healthy body. I live in a subdivision so I don't worry that something might happen to me. It is just a small subdivision more like a compound if you asked me. Most of the people who live here are rich. 

I start first with my warm-up exercises for about 10 minutes before jogging around the subdivision. I listen to my favorite songs as I jog which are mostly songs of Chicosci. As I pass houses just like everyday, nobody seems to be already awake at this hour.

The houses were all beautiful and if I'm not mistaken almost 3/4 of these houses costs more than 5 million excluding the furnitures. Yes I know what you're thinking and yes were rich. It's not something I'm proud of. What I'm proud of is that even though were rich, our family still have time for each other and we always eat together, go out and have fun together and we also attend mass every sunday together. 

I almost knew everyone in this subdivision. And with my looks and family reputation, I think they know me too. I ran for almost an hour then I decided to head home.

By the time I entered the house, our housemaids were already awake. I went upstairs to take a bath then I changed to my jeans and white polo-shirt. To complete my outfit, I put on my gray cardigan and went downstairs.

Before I can get to the kitchen, I already heard my parents' voices.

"Good morning, Kim. So how was your sleep?" That's my mom. She has a very gentle voice. Whenever she speaks, it is always full of care.

"It was fine, mom." I replied. "Good morning, dad." I greeted my dad.

"Good morning too, Kim." He said while he was reading the newspaper.

I grabbed my chair then I asked my mom who was seating beside my dad in front of me. "Mom, is there any sign of her?"

The question startled my mom. I can see that she did not expect that I will ask about her again. My dad was also startled. He put down his newspaper and his eyes were all set on me. My mom was too blown away to answer so dad was the one who answered for her. "Kim, I thought you don't want to talk about her again because she broke your heart." dad said in a very calm manner.

"Dad, she's my perfect girl and I know I'm the man of her dreams. I think there's a reason why she broke my heart and I'm not giving up until I find out why. I am not giving up on her, dad. I already told that to you haven't I?"

"Yes you did, sweetie. It's just that since you told us that, you never asked of her again. Ever. So we thought you don't like to talk about her." This time it was my mom who answered. I can see in their faces that their worrying about me.

"Mom, dad, I'm sorry but I think I need time to think. I'll just eat later." I don't want them to worry more about me. I knew that they understood why I left because if I stayed and asked more I may not have the ability to control my emotions anymore.

An Ordinary Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon