Chapter One

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Chapter One... The Girlfriend I Can't Stop Hating


I walked outside to greet Angus in thed snow. He stood in the driveway next to his four-wheel drive, just staring into the distance. I wasn't sure how I should greet him, so I just snuck up behind him, covering his eyes.

"Jade?" he asked, turning around with a big smile. His face, however, fell when he saw me.

"Oh, sorry, Lexie," he sighed.

"Hi to you too," I groaned, feeling hurt by his reaction.

"Sorry," he apologised. "I'm waiting for Jade. We're going to the park together, maybe have a snowball fight or something."

"Okay," I said dully. "I'm bored out of my mind, I was hoping we could hang out or something."

"You know, I'd really love to," he began awkwardly. "But Jade and I are sort of after some alone time. You know, it seems like everywhere we go we have someone tagging along, and we never get to do anything."

"Do anything?" I asked.

"Sex... anything," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Sex?" I asked. "Well, it's not like you haven't done it before."

"Well, neither of us are virgins, no," he said frowning. "But we've never done it... together."

"Oh," I sighed. "Well, if you two last forever, then you'll have a lifetime to do it."

"Oh, don't tell me you're still insecure about being a virgin," he moaned. "You'll do it someday. I mean, not everyone has to lose their virginity before they leave school."

"But I want to," I sighed.

"Well, get a boyfriend," Angus said harshly. "Or at least a date."

"How?" I asked sarcastically.

"You're a cheerleader, Lexie," he sighed. "I don't get how you can't manage to get a boyfriend."

"Neither to I," I groaned.

"Look, I'll ask Jade if she knows of a good guy to date you," he smiled.

"Oh, great," I groaned. "Let your perfect little girlfriend know that I'm a virgin cheerleader who can't seem to get sex, let alone a boyfriend!"

"If you're gonna carry on like that, I won't ask her," Angus frowned.

"It's fine," I snapped.

"You know, you're acting really weird lately," he said, turning away from me.

"I'm gonna go veg out in front of the TV," I muttered. "At least then I won't have to feel insulted by you."

As I walked away, I heard Angus mutter something about PMS. I wanted to turn and dive-tackle him, but then I'd never get a chance with him. Instead I walked inside my house, slamming the door. I stormed back up into my bedroom, slumping down on the bed.



I awoke late into the night after hearing a car pull up. I looked outside my window to see Jade and Angus kissing. Oh, how I hated her. Yes, she used to be my friend. But that was before she stole my boyfriend!

Well, he's not my boyfriend. But since he got with her he's hardly even talked to me. And when he does, all he talks about is Jade. "Jade got a new car. And she let me drive it. I can't wait until she let's me drive her." "Jade and I are going to Mexico for the Summer... And we're going to Vancouver for Christmas!" "Jade's dad is taking us to Australia for a week in October! I get to miss a week of school!"

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