10-A Lovers Heart + A Sisterly Heart=Not The Same Answer

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thank you for voting :) yes im back okay okay so 1 thing. I want your opinoin on how the story is going i really need feed back so i can make it better or worse or fix things up kay so ENJOY :P

dont forget to vote its right <<<<<<<<<<<<<but up a little


Scarlett and I walked out of Maths in to the crowded halls. People were moving fast out of the halls if there was a fire drill. Then I remembered its Friday weekend.

"Hey I’ll meet you at the front I have to put stuff in my locker."

I nodded and made my way to the front when Gen came out of no were and pulled me in to an empty class room.

"Gen what the hell?"

"Sorry it was the only thing that went in my head to get you alone."

"Right, by pulling me in to an empty class room at the end of school was the only way to get me alone? I'm not screwing you if that's what you think."

"No I'm not thinking like that."

My eyes widened. I just got refused.

I sunk my head low in disappointment.

"Sorry didn't mean it in that way."

"Whatever so what do you want?"

"Well the real answer is what you want. I mean with Scarlett?"

"What do you mean with Scarlett?"

"She only thinks of you as her brother but I know she's the girl you're in love with right?"

Crap she knows.

"Yeah I do lov- Wait how do you know that?"

"I apologized to her for the other day and she told me that you're in love with someone that's why you're a player. And I see the way you look at her it's obvious."

"Right. So?"

"I have a deal for you. That's if you're up for it?"

Hmm a deal sounds challenging.

"Yeah I'm up for it. What is it about?"

"Stop being a player and convince Scarlett to fall in love with you. Before the end of year dance."

"And if I don't?"

"If you stop being a player but don't convince her. I get to tell her at the dance in front of everyone. But if she falls in love with you and you don't stop. You have to date me for 3 months."

Why do I hate him?  Oh... That's why.Where stories live. Discover now