Chapter 16

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Derek's POV

I woke up to Isaac shaking me.

"Derek!" he said, "You need to wake up!"

"What?" I replied groggily, "What's wrong?"

He pointed.

Scott was laying bruised and bloody on the porch. He covered in scars and bullet holes and....something white and bloody was sticking up on his chest. A rib. One of his eyes was swollen shut, but the other fluttered open.

"Derek?" Scott groaned, "W-wh-where's Stiles...something...s-s-s-s-something's wrong...with h-h-h-him...."

"What happened, Scott?" I asked briskly, "Actually, no. Tell me later. Isaac, help me get him in the car. He needs help. Now!

* * * * *

Isaac's POV

I sat anxiously in the waiting room. Finally, Derek came out.

"He okay?" I asked.

"No. Scott was beaten half to death. Actually, worse than that. Will he live? Yes. But this.....he's not healing like he should. Too slow. Whatever did this, it wasn't human."

"So.....what was it? And why was he talking about Stiles?"

"I want you to ask him. He doesn't trust me- but you're not me."

I swallowed nervously, but walked into the back room. Scott looked as bad ad he did when I saw him on the porch. One eye swollen shut, and turning purple. Long scars down his arms and chest. Bruises...everywhere. And a few bullet holes- one in his gut, one in his shoulder, and a third in his leg.

"Scott...what happened?"

He looked at me blearily.

"It was Stiles." he mumbled, "I was with Alison...and then he-he came at me. With a baseball bat. And a gun. And-and he did this thing with his hand. Levi-.... leve- .....level-"

"Levitated?" I supplied.

"Yeah. That. I dunno how he did it. That's how I got the scratches. We were at her house. And he threw me into a knife display. And his eyes... They were black. Like, all black. No iris, no white,"

Scott shivered.

"It was like he wasn't human." he whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2012 ⏰

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