I Am My Own Enemy

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My feeble heart lost- lost a battle-

The battle of evil- verses peace- a seraph

The peace is no longer behold in thy heart-

But in a ghostly form flowing- flowing in the wind

Arms attached to a prison by a wretched soul-

With a fetter-and weep thee must- hurt by a sinned

Thou foulness does not cease- for my heart is as black as night

Amid some nights the blackness is lit to fire

This melancholic sight

Was the hideous creature- inside of me- maddening

But- the seraph- was slowly- dying

And yonder- to the willow tree

Thee tree bare- a skeleton- is what is left- of me

You may save it- if you must

Then save thy seraph- from its fetters- in rust

Awaken it from its deathly slumber-

And the night sky will light up with lightning- and sound a thunder


Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! I will read, comment, and vote on anyone's stories and poems if they comment. I want to hear your honest opinions on all of my poems(bad or good)!!

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