Real Rough

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Your P.O.V 

Me: you promised not to hurt me, to always protect me, and to do everything 

you could to keep me happy. I guess that was a lie wasnʼt it. 

Zayn: No of course not, I stand by my word. I donʼt know why your angry but 

Iʼm sorry. You know I would never hurt you on purpose. 

I started to get very angry. He was calming me down and I was pushing him 

away from me, screaming at him to leave me alone and get out of my face. 

Zayn: Calm down… stop shouting, You will wake the neighbors up.  You are 

over reacting Y/N!! 

Me: Over reacting! I screamed I am not over reacting. This is over reacting. I 

took the glass that was on the table and tossed it across the room, as the 

glass spread everywhere, one little piece of glass cut my hand open. 

Zayn: Oh my god! Your bleeding. 

Me: I donʼt care, I could fucking careless if I even bleed to death. 

Zayn: Show me you hand. 

Me: No, get off me. 

Zayn: Y/N stop being stubborn and show me your hand, you are bleeding 

too much, maybe itʼs a deep serious cut. 

Me: Oh, like you care, you know what! I can take care of myself I donʼt need 

you… and no matter how deep this cut is, you have cut me even deeper. 

  I said that, and felt the tears filling my eyes, I knew I didnʼt mean those 

words that I said, but I was too angry to care about what I was saying. His 

face expression went from worried and sorry to angry and frustration. 

Zayn: That is it, come with me now!! 

His voice was demanding, and I could see in his eyes that he has had 

enough of my screaming, and stubbornness. As I was about to answer him, 

he didnʼt wait for me to answer, he took me by the wrist very tightly and 

roughly, and lead the way upstairs to the master bedroom. He was walking 

very fast and I was trying to walk the other way because I didnʼt want to go 

with him anywhere. He turned around, and his face was so close to mine I 

felt his warm breath on my face. He looked me straight in the eyes and said. 

Zayn: What has gone into you. Are you crazy? What in the hell is so 

important that you have to hurt yourself and bleed for it. You think that, that 

girl is worth all of this? That she is worthy of us fighting? Why donʼt you trust 

me? I was just being polite ok,.. she was drunk and needed a ride home. 

Nothing happened. I took her home, and helped her to her house, and as I 

was about to leave she kissed me, and thanked me, that was it. Do you 

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