(Chapter 13)

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 6 Hours Until the “End”


“Okay, so where is it, again?”

“Midnight. You go to the first Warehouse on Strell End in Moosett, Nevada. I go to the second Warehouse.”

“Where’s that?”

“I don’t know,” London said, looking blank, her forehead creasing slightly, as she glared at the orange-red-lit road in front of us. It was sunset. Well, almost.

These would be the last hours.

“Look, can’t we find go later? Maybe we could…get something to eat?” London said, looking at me hopefully. “Since now we know it was the tracking chips, and not the fact that the people knew us?”

“Sure,” I replied, smiling back. I kind of liked that idea – spending the last day as a real couple. “You pick somewhere, alright?”

She wound her fingers through mine, and I pictured what we would look like – two teenagers walking off into the sunset. And…for a moment…it was like we were almost normal.


4 Hours Until the “End”.


I scooped up some risotto, and shoved it into my mouth, savoring it. God, it was good. It was creamy, yet balanced. Total mouth orgasm.

Maybe I just haven’t eaten properly for a long time.

My stomach rumbled, confirming this. It was mainly because I’d eaten about a barrowful of “Milky Way”s last night, and now I think I was dying. Kind of weird, since I’ve eaten way more of unhealthy foods before (double-cheese nachos, anyone?), and I had completely no problems. Now, my stomach hurt like hell.

I glanced at Josh, who was delicately picking at his meal in a girly way. He lifted his fork to his mouth, and his lips closed around the lettuce leaf (he ordered salad. SALAD!), biting in a way that seemed kind of…sensual.

I blushed, trying to shake the thoughts from my head. No, London.

“Are you okay?” he asked, suddenly looking worried. My heart thudded hard, and I looked away. “London?”

“I’m just…worried,” I said, avoiding his gaze. I swallowed more risotto, but suddenly it didn’t taste so good anymore. “About…today.”

“Don’t worry,” Josh said, dropping his fork, and closing his fingers around my hand (he dropped his fork?! I wouldn’t drop my fork in a meal, even if a guy pointed a gun at my head). “I won’t let them harm you, okay? I promise you’ll be safe.”

His brown eyes were so sincere, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Yeah?” I said. “You’d do that for me?”

He grinned back. “’Course.”

“But why?” I asked, feinting innocence.

“You know why,” he said gruffly, looking away.

“No, I don’t. Tell me, Josh.”

“No! It’s…embarrassing!”

I smirked, and leaned in closer, when he pulled away. “Say it, Josh.”

He looked me straight in the eyes. “You haven’t said it either.”

“But you already know how I feel. You know, last night…”

He flushed. “That didn’t prove anything!”

“Then why do you think I did it? The only reason I did it was because I really care!”

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