Chapter 1

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"So, Nicky. How was your half-day?" My little brother stared out of the passenger seat window with a gloomy look on his face.

"Good, I guess."

His reply was vague. My car was engulfed with silence. The only noise was the squeaking of my windshield wipers as the scraped off the snow.

"Parent Career Day?" I asked. The only response I received was a slight nod & a sigh. Poor kid. I had to come pick him up late because Dad had forgotten about his guest appearance up at Nicky's school. Again, there was silence.

"Hey mom," I said, following my brother into the condo.

"Hey, kids." She kissed our cheeks as we came inside. I smiled at Don, my future step-dad. I didn't really like him. He was strange, to say the least. Nicky liked him, though. However, he was still getting used to the whole "divorce" thing. Mom & Dad split up about four years ago. Nick was six. I was thirteen. We were with Dad a lot, which is good. Dad's fun to be with. But he is going through a hard time with all his finances & finding a new job & everything. I don't think Nicky understands, and, to be honest, I don't think I understand either.

Mom set out a plate & put some leftovers on it for me. I wasn't really hungry, though. As I was picking at the meatloaf with my fork, the doorbell rang. When mom opened it, I heard Dad's familiar, nervous voice.

"Hey!" he said nervously, "Why didn't anyone tell me it was career day?"

"What do you mean? Nicky said he was going to tell you." Mom tried to bring the tone down so nobody would hear them. But, we have thin walls. It's easy to eavesdrop.

"Oh.. I guess he forgot," Dad replied, gloomily. I wasn't really in the mood to eavesdrop. I picked up my plate & went to my room. But before I could even shut my door, Don knocked.

"Hey, Emma-Lou," he merrily said.

"Don't call me that." I shoved a piece of meatloaf in my mouth. Mom was never a really great cook.

"Sorry. But, your dad's here to take you & Nick to his game. Better take a coat. It's chilly. Chilly, chilly. Willy the Penguin." He walked away singing. I rolled my eyes before taking another bite & grabbing my black coat.

As Nicky & I walked into the kitchen, I could sense Mom & Dad were talking about a touchy subject.

"Hey, Dad," Nicky smiled softly at him. I also greeted him with a "Hey, Dad" and a smile. It was always good to see him, even though he pushed my buttons.

"Hey, kids! Ready to carve it up?" He smiled when he saw us & there was a twinkle in his eye.

Nicky & I looked at each other & smiled, "Cool."

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