#2 I Dont Wanna Feel A Thing Anymore

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#2 I don't wanna feel a thing anymore.

Dear Phil,

They told me to write to you, but I don't see the point. I mean, you'll never see them anyway. 

I just... Phil, why did you have to do it? 

I loved you with all my heart, I thought we would always be together... But now your gone and your never coming back.

I just want to say that I miss you. A fucking lot!  

I haven't made a video since... Since that day.  

Its been over a month now, and I still cant believe that your gone., 

Why did you have to do it? Were you that unhappy with our relationship that you thought the only way out was to kill yourself!? Why Phil, why? 

You will never understand what it felt like for me to walk into your room and see you lying there, blood pouring from your veins and you barely even able to keep your eyes open. 

It ripped me in half, Phil. I felt like my whole life was gone. Because, well, it was. 

Phil, you were my life. You were my best friend and my boyfriend. I could never have asked for more. 

You were perfect Phil, you were perfect for me.

And so, I'm guess I'm writing this because I will be joining you soon. I will join you in heaven, or hell, or wherever you are. I need you Phil, you have no idea.

I love you. Forever and Always.

Daniel x x x

I put the paper down, my hands shaking.  

Tears were running down my cheeks, and dripping onto my letter to Phil. 

I glanced around my room which I hadn't left in about a month, until I found what I was looking for. 

I grabbed the razor and paused.  

I should probably tell someone before I did it, otherwise I would just be left here for the rest of my life. 

In a stinking bedroom. 

With shaky hands, I grabbed my phone and called the first person I saw. PJ. 

I sighed when he didn't answer, it was better this way. "Hey, PJ... I just... I wanted to say good bye, forever. I can't live without him, PJ, I just can't. So, bye. Say goodbye to Chris for me too. You were a good friend. I love you, bye." I hung up and started to sob. 

I gripped the razor and dragged it across my vein, smiling slightly as the world started to blur around me. 

"Ill see you soon Phil." I managed to whisper before everything went black

A/N So, uh... Yeah. I hoped you enjoyed this... Maybe... 

Leave a request below for a oneshot!!!  


*brofist* Leena out.

Title: King For A Day by Pierce The Veil ft Kellin Quinn

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