Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning, snuggled between Vixen and Angelo. I yawned, sat up, and then stretched my arms. I looked around and groaned. We where sent to the Police Station around 5 o'clock yesterday, and were forced to stay the night. One of the police said that Mom would be here about two to pick us up. I knew that meant that she was going to the bank to get more money out, which meant that dinners would be low cost for a little while. Like the usually where. 

"Psst! Hey!" I called out to the front desk. One of the better looking cops turned around to look at me. "Can I have one?" I asked while pointing to a cup of coffee on his desk. I smiled at him, and he laughed, and shook his head. 

"I'm not to sure if I'm aloud to give you one or not." He laughed, and started to turn back to his computer.

"Can I at least get a doughnut? I'm really hungry; I haven't eat since yesterday morning. And neither have them." The officer sighed, and looked at his box of doughnuts. 

"Fine, but share with them when they wake up." He came over, and opened up gate. The officer gave me the orange and white box, and I dug in. I grabbed a glazed one, and let out a moan. It was that good. Vixen soon woke up, and grabbed a jelly filled one. Angelo let out a little snore, and me and Vixen giggled. Vixen set a jelly filled doughnut around Angelo's eye, and then tickled it. Angelo's hand came crashing down to scratch his face, but he ended up squashing the doughnut all over his face. 

Angelo woke up in a sate of panic, but I got a kick out of it. Angelo got a evil glint in his eyes, and said in a sing-song voice "Oh, Vixen!" She could see what he was going to do, and stood up in the little 4 foot by 3 foot cell. Angelo got up, and grabbed her in his long arms. I sighed, and leaned against the wall. I was still laying down on the small bed that they have in the cell. I watched the two love birds kiss, while holding each other.

Oh, how I would love to have a relationship like theirs. 

"Hey! You three!" A cop yelled down to us. He wasn't the one that gave me the box of doughnuts, this one was fat and chubby. "Someone's here for you." He said as he walked back to us. He unlocked the gate, and let us out. Angelo and Vixen ran to the front, egar to get out of here, but I didn't want to go home to Mom. She would be mad as hell at me, and it wouldn't end good. I know that.

I mean, Mom isn't a bad mom, and she's not abusive or anything like that. She just would get really mad, and we just won't talk for a bit. We love each other, it's just very hard for me to act like this all the time. I know that. Because she's always bailing our asses out of somewhere, and that cost money, which means that we'll have to cut back on somethings for a while. Which is really hard on us both. 

Mom had me when she was sixteen, and I've never met my father... but after what she said yesterday... Was... Andy my father? I mean, it would be cool, but he's probably not... but it would be cool if he was.

When I got to the front, I froze. There stood Mom and Andy. Mom was giving money to one of the cops, and Andy was talking to Angelo and Vixen. Why was he here?

Riot's POV

I sighed, and laid down six hundred dollars on the counter. The officer chuckled and recounted the money. "You must really love these kids, Ms. Haven, to be paying this much money to bail them out." 

I smiled, even though I wanted to scream at him to hurry up.

"I do love these kids, they're my children, and I love them all." I said, with a laugh at the end. I could feel Andy watching me. I shivered, and rubbed my arms. I'm so stupid. It was eight in the morning, and I was wearing big pants and a tank top. Nice, Riot. "How much longer are we going to be? I'm sorry for sounding mean, but I have to get to work soon and I need to get ready." 

The officer nodded, and handed me a think packet. "Just sign at the end. This basicly states that you are their legal guridan, and that you bailed them out." I nodded and signed. I handed it back to him, and then looked up. Ivy stood there, staring at me and Andy. She walked over to me, and then whispered in my ear. 

"What is he doing here?" My mind wandered back to last night.

I ran out to my car, and speed off. I could see Andy's car behind me, and I sighed. I knew that he wanted to talk, but I didn't. I pulled into my neighborhood, and pulled up to my little house. I got out of my car, and stood by it, waiting for Andy. 

Andy pulled up next to me, and he also got out. We walked into the house, not saying a word. But when we got inside, Andy had to open his mouth. "So, that's Ivy now. She's definitely different now." I had to hold back a little noise that I make when I get upset or annoyed. 

"Andy, why? Just why?!" I turned around to face him. He was taken back by my yelling. "How could you just leave us!? I mean, I know that I messed up by sleeping with Pan , I know that I did! But... But how could you just leave!? You just uprooted, and left me and Ivy! I don't care that you left me, but Ivy! How could you leave your own flesh and blood behind!" Tears pooled in my eyes, causing my vision to go blurry. 

"Riot, I didn't want to leave here... but you hurt me so badly... I thought that what we had... what we had was true love. But I was wrong. It hurt when you told me that you slept with Pan, and you know how much it messed me up... I'm sorry, Riot. I really am." I looked into Andy's eyes, and sighed. I looked down, as the tears started to flow. I could hear Andy's footsteps on the old tile floor, as he neared me. Andy's hand cupped my chin, and he forced me to look at him. "I still love you, Riot. I never stopped loving you." 

Andy leaned down, and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I immediately kissed him back, and wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss turn from soft and light, to hungry and deep. Andy picked me up, and started to walk us upstairs. Andy walked us into my room, and laid me back on the bed. 

God yes. Oh, how much I've missed Andy, and being with him like this. 

Andy started to kiss my neck and I moaned at his touch. 

Soon all the clothes had been ripped off, we fooled around for a bit, and now we where laying in each other's arms. Andy kissed my forehead, and mumbled "I love you, Riot." 

"I love you too, Andy." I hugged onto him tighter, and looked over at my nightstand and at the clock. It was already midnight. I snuggled up to Andy, as we laid there. 

"Can I come with you to get Ivy and her friends tomorrow?" I nodded into Andy's chest. 

"Mom?" Ivy waved her hand infront of my face, and I blinked a couple of times. 

"Sorry, Andy wanted to come... Ivy we all need to talk when we get home." I whispered the end. Ivy nodded, and we all walked out the police station and to my car. 

Oh God... please let this talk go good.

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