School:     Bulanon Elementary School

Date of Interview:     September 09, 2012   

Interviewer:     Aspero, Jay Ar B. & Sanchez, Jasmin Sifel H.





Resources Needed


Planning Strategies

·         Making the students focus or be attentive as the teacher is still on the motivation phase.

Colorful instructional materials like different shapes and drawings of objects related to the topic.

·         Implementing these materials or utilizing these materials at the start of the class especially in the morning.

·         Arousing students’ interest to answer teacher’s questions.


Proper construction of the questions on the visual aid by providing examples.

·         Starting from the topic that has been already discussed so that the students have already an idea.



·         Coming to school every day.

Class record.

Communication or correspondence to the students’ parents.


·         Releasing of cards only to the parents and not to the students.

·         The students getting high scores on tests especially during periodical examination.

Results of the test.

Improvement or modification or revision of teaching strategy basing upon the test results.

·         Giving short quiz after the discussion every day.

·         Providing several test exercises for the students to master the topic before moving on to the next topic.



1.      How important is it for teachers and curriculum planners to anchor their curricular plans to specific theories and principles of curriculum development?

Theories and principles of curriculum development serve as the basis of learning and how it should be taught. It gives the teachers the ideas on how to implement their curricular plans in order to achieve their desired outcomes which is learning. It is not necessary that all the time teachers would always rely on a specific theories and principles of curriculum development because some theories and principles may not be applicable for the enhancement of students’ learning due to the changing needs and interest of the students.

If teachers and curriculum planners ignore the importance of these theories and principles, they could make a mistake of missing some important aspects in learning. With this reason, students must be given the chance to construct their own knowledge or ideas and as much as possible, mistakes must not be an option.

2.      Aside from the teachers, who else should be involved in the curriculum planning? Expound your thoughts.

Aside from the teachers, there are still many individuals that should be involved in the curriculum planning, that is, the parents, the people in the community surrounding the school institution, the school administrators and most of all, the learners. These different stakeholders must be involved in the curriculum planning in order that the curriculum will be relevant and will be a functioning and useful tool in attaining the success of the society through educating individual student.


The learners should take part in the planning of the curriculum so that their needs and concerns will be addressed, and they will be provided the appropriate experiences and activities useful for their subject areas. In the same manner, the parents should also be involved in curriculum planning so that they would have the knowledge or ideas on what means they will adopt in supporting their children who will undergo such curriculum; they will have the knowledge on how to adjust and how to seek means in supporting their child financially.























Learners, Teachers and Parents

Learners as center of educational process

Are the very reason a curriculum is made

Learners’ experiences should be given emphasis

And learners’ needs and interests should be addressed.


In implementation of the curriculum

Teachers are the most crucial persons.

The key to effective curriculum implementation

Is the understanding inside the classroom.


Parents as supporters of the curriculum

Become environment part of learning at home

Parents provide materials that aren’t in home

And especially the moral values and norms.



Jasmine Sifel H. Sanchez and Jay Ar B. Aspero


Field Study 3 by Jay Ar AsperoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon