Chapter 42: Back In Doncaster

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Chapter 42:

*Louis's P.O.V.*

I drove past a sign saying Doncaster on it and I knew I was finally home. Truthfully, I haven't spent too much time at home. I came back mostly to visit Mum and my sisters because they couldn't always travel up to London for me.

"We can probably crash at my mum's place." I told the guys. Harry sat beside me and fiddled with his fingers nervously. I hoped that his thought of Rosie being here was correct.

Liam, Zayn, Pippa and Niall were all crammed into the back of the car. Niall was in the middle, hoarding a large bag of crisps all to himself. Liam and Zayn attempted to get some of it too, but we all know their tries wouldn't ever succeed. Pippa sat in the back of the van. She volunteered to do so. She spread out her legs and had the whole space to herself. Pippa attempted to get Rosie on the line, but all of her calls were unanswered.

"I bet she's worried sick." Harry said.

Liam, from the back of the car, had a "no duh" look plastered on his face. I saw it from the rearview mirror and a chuckled escaped from my mouth. Harry looked at me quizzically, but shook his head and let it be.

"She is. She's frantic and she's trying not to let it show to my sisters. Lottie and Fizzy already know about it, but Daisy and Phoebe are still completely clueless." I explained.

Finally, we arrived in front of my mum's house. I had called her up before and told her that we were all coming down. She didn't protest or even ask. I had a feeling Mum already knew. She would probably let the boys and me stay. After all, she's done it before. She's a mother to them all. Pippa, she's met once or twice but it won't be a problem I'm sure. Mum's not a person that'll let a person off onto the streets on their own. The worst possible thing that could happen is that she kicks me out of my room for Pippa and I get the couch.

We all got out of the car, but before we could even reach the steps leading up to the house, the door burst open. Daisy and Phoebe both ran out and tackled Niall. Niall chuckled and tickled them in return. Lottie and Fizzy both walked out and greeted the boys and Pippa. Lastly was Mum.

I've never seen a woman look so stressed before. Her hair was tangled and looked unhealthy. It lacked its former shine. Her eyes were red from crying and there were clear dark bags under her eyes too. She didn't even bother to cover it up. Her face was a few shades lighter than I remember, but I knew she was devastated.

"Hey Mum." I said.

She didn't answer me. All she did was envelope me in a hug and she didn't seem to want to let go. "I miss her. I don't even know how long it's been."

"We're going to find her. Harry thinks he knows where she might be." I informed her. A flicker of hope flashed across her eyes.


"Yeah. He thinks she's actually here in Doncaster. She could be a five minute drive to a twenty minute drive away." I said.

"How do you know?"

Pippa came up to us and heard Mum's question. "I've lived here all my life with Rosie. It's only reasonable that she would come back to the place she last remembered. Here in Doncaster. She just wants to go home and here? This is her home."

"I guess I didn't realize that." Mum murmured.

"Don't get yourself too hung up over it." I said. "I couldn't figure it out and neither could Pippa. Harry did."

"Well if he's correct, we owe him a big one."

"We already owe him a lot!" I whined. "We could let this one slide..."

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