| 29 | Memories in Blood

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My heartbeat steadied as if I were walking into the eye of a storm, enveloped in a brief moment of calm. Then, all at once, like a raging tempest, my emotions surged around me, creating an endless flow of energy around my body. 

The ground cracked beneath my feet with each step. The shackles I had bound myself with, shattered. The whole time, the only person who had stood in my way, was myself. My thoughts, my fears, my expectations, all prevented my growth; prevented me from grasping the real power dormant within me.


I turned my head, thinking the voice had echoed from behind me, but there was no one there. It was just me and Carden.

   "Have you ever wondered," Carden said, holding his arms high in pride. "Why everyone around you tempted you into following this path? The pursuit of power? It was all so that you could reach this magnificent transformation. A flower that blooms in a storm has the strongest roots."

I gritted my teeth. If what he said was true, then not only had Elaine and Evander been subdued by his power, but everyone in the facility. From the moment I woke up in that capsule, my fate had been premeditated, and Carden was the master puppeteer.

   "What have you done with Isaac?"

   "That filthy demon? Sage should be finished with him by now. It matters little. I've returned for what is rightfully mine."

We walked toward each other at the same pace. My mind was clear and my vision sharp. Once I was close enough, I threw a punch, colliding with his chest. Carden was briefly tossed into the air, and then tumbled across the ground. He lie there for a moment, then began to chuckle as he got to his feet.

"How amusing!" He appeared in front of me and pinched my chin. An unshakable power froze me in place. "But have you forgotten who turned you? Your body, your life, and your soul, are mine. You are at my mercy--"

Something boomed from the exit; a sound like a small explosion. Carden slowly moved towards the sound and my body followed. 

We climbed onto the highest building and looked down on the city. His face scrunched up in disgust. Whatever it was, it was something he had not expected. A group of inhuman figures moved through the city, weaving through alleys and leaping onto buildings.

   "Well, well..." Carden muttered. "If it isn't your knight in shining armor."

I smiled at his agitation.

   "But what should we do with you? If I let you be, you might get in the way, but... Ah! I've got it. Perhaps you can spend some time training with your teacher. Consider it your final lesson."

As much as I wanted to tear him apart, it was impossible to fight against his will. He gave me one last smile before turning to leave. The ends of his black jacket flowed as he stepped off the building and disappeared into the night. 

Once he was gone, my muscles relaxed, and my knees buckled. Carden's control had dissipated.

I moved to the edge of the building as a wave of gunfire rang out through the city. The mannequins were attacking the hunters. Cries echoed. The scent of blood filled the air. 

As much as I wanted to go after Carden, I couldn't leave Evander unchecked. I caught his scent in the wind, and leapt off the building in pursuit. I couldn't let what happened to Elaine, happen to him. Explosions shook the city streets as the mannequins swarmed like locusts.

   "Kelsey! There you are!"

I turned and saw Evander running towards me. He sounded like himself, but I wasn't a fool. I kept my guard up and watched his movements carefully.

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