Only 3 major character deaths in this one

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Kakashi’s POV


I had left the hokages booth, making way for the leaders of the next candidates, and went to find Akira. I found her sitting with Shikamaru, Asuma, Neji and of all people Hiashi.


“Lord Hiashi.” I greeted turning to the remaining. “Everyone. Akira can we talk?”


She glanced at the now happy baby, before standing slowly. “Sure, what’s up?”


“Follow me.” I said, pushing on my wheelchair. Just two more days and I’m out of this thing.


I led us to a small sitting room off the main stadium, and shut the door behind us leaving the enthusiastic crowd.


“Sounds like someone broke something.” Akira commented.


“Probably.” I agreed, “So… who is this?”


She looked into the sling. “His name is Jitte.”


She would name him after a weapon… “I see. May I?” I asked holding out my arms for my potential grandchild, though I was still praying it wasn’t hers.


She shrugged, moving closer and slipping the sling off her head to pass him to me. I took a shaky breath, steadying the baby in my arms. He was quite the little tank, heavier than most babies.


“How old?”


“Hmm… 2 months now.”


Recent… I moved some cloth from around his face and shoulders. Familiar blue eyes filled with happiness shone back at me.


I feel faint… My gut clenched. Couldn’t be Sai’s…


“Akira, do you by any chance have blue eyed parents?”


“You met them. They’re practically black like mine or Sai’s.” Akira looked at me with concern, before returning her gaze out the window in the door. “It’s like a war down there.”


“I should think so.” I said absentmindedly as I pushed the top of the boys hat back a bit, exposing a patch of blonde hair.

He looks so much like… They couldn’t have though. He was with Jiraiya on a training mission and Akira was practically rogue. Naruto and her couldn’t possibly have met, he swore he hadn’t seen her since the incident.


But the more I stared at Jitte the more I had to admit, they looked identical…


It wasn’t long before Jitte was returned to Akira and we left the facility together. Outside were 5 young chunin, who Akira gravitated towards leaving me to speak with them.

The Akira Files Book 2Where stories live. Discover now