Shadow Wolves- Children of Light, chapter 2

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Chapter Two

The Past

June 5th, 30000 years B.C 

Location: Unknown

I try to balance the basket of vegetables atop my head, doing it successfully for a change. I'm walking so gingerly and, with my hands on the sides of my head to catch it if it falls, everyone around me parts and watches. Many of them laugh at how ridiculous I am acting.  I ignore them and turn my nose at them, nearly taking my basket of vegetables off my head. I blush furiously and walk away as fast as I can, avoiding eye contact. 

I'm such a fool. Why can't I do anything right? Its no fair I thought when I came of age I'd be graceful and do everything I've seen my sisters and mother do. Let me tell you now, it isn't easy. Not by a long shot. 

When I got back to the hut I share with my best friend, Sika, I quickly put the food away. Only to be interrupted.  

"Hey Zoo," she nocked my head and I swatted at her, a smile pulling at my lips, "I heard about your um accident," she busts in giggles and I hit her shoulder. 

"That's not nice! Besides you and, everyone else in this tribe knows how ungraceful I am." I say angrily with narrowed eyes. 

"Sorry Zoo, but come in our species the women are meant to be petit and graceful, along with the white blonde hair and have either bright blue or pale blue eyes. You've gone against what's normal for us and it's not something you can escape, as much as I know you wish otherwise."

I put my head down on her shoulder. Everything she said is true and I am a freak among my people. I'm nowhere near graceful and my eyes are well...freaky. I have one bright blue eye but the other eyes iris is black.  No one knows why though, they say it may because it symbolies the three eye, or it could be an omen, a very bad one. Althought there are many other villages of angles through out the world and we all have seperate attributes.

Everyone in my tribe has a gift, our powers are measured, the average is 4.2 the ones with extremely high measurements are 6.3.  My gift measures 8.2. 

Besides my eyes, all the women are petit and deltic in our land, while the tallest woman before me was 5"4' I'm a staggering 6". I tower over all the females and some men.   I am a freak among the freaks. 

My people and I call ourselves Children Of Light. Children Of Light are freaks, because we are the only tribe of white people that transform into wolves. Shocking I know but it's true. Every tribe of werewolves is different but ours is the most. Our wolves are much larger than them and have mostly white fur when changed into wolves. I am purely white when in my wolf form which isn't totally uncommon. But what is uncommon is that I a female wolf am, as large as a male wolf when fully grown, and I'm only sixteen. 

I'm a freak there is no way around that fact. Everyone here accepts me, of course but still I'm different and much more powerful than anything they've ever seen. As much as they love me they also, in their own way... fear me. 

            I stand up and gather my basket to put the food away for later use, when suddenly a vision takes over my entire being. I am only faintly aware I've fallen onto the fall and am shaking beyond control. Just before my vision pulls me in. I hear Sika scream...

I see ....nothing. Pure darkness... The edges are blurry with blackness in every direction. It's nothing. Its sensory deprivation. The blackness...the nothingness is mind numbing. I can see or hear anything. I try to scream out, to hear something anything. But no sound comes out. 

What's happening?? I try to run from....the void...the disheartening feeling of impending doom? 

I don't think I'm even moving. I can't feel my legs. 

What's beyond this point I'm standing in? I think I'm going insane. I can't feel my body. I can't feel anything. 

I'm so scared, am I alive? I try to crawl until I begin to fear what lies beyond this point.  But try I still, until I realize I can't move. No I'm not numb...I just have no body to move in.  It's like my body has died but my soul lives goes on...

Is this hell? Not the brimstone and fire, but the cruel nothingness except to be forever alone with our own thoughts of who we are?

Oh god, please save me. Father, it is you I beg to....

...Than I see something. No someone. He walks forward bringing light with him as he walks.  I feel like a blind person seeing light for the first time. 

Is he an Angel, or the Devil in disguise? Does it matter? In the end it doesn't matter, nothing ever did. 

He continues to come towards me until he is there in front of me; it is than that I realize I'm back in my body and kneeling. 

He lifts me up and we lock eyes. Our surrounding changes than to something I never thought was possible let alone something I'd see....

It's my land, my people, dead, or begging for death as our tortures laugh and rape them... The Men are nowhere to be seen, some children are weak struggling trying to help their mothers or sisters. The others just stare blankly into the sky. The question they haven't spoken is obvious to those around. The child's eyes are dead. And they looks into the sky to try to see our God who has sent us down here to help mankind but then abandon us in our time our ultimate need. 

No one seems to see him and I. It's like were phantoms looking into the scariest nightmare. 

Than the child looks at me, directly at me. I'm shocked to my core. I look to the man next to me. His face is stoic. I realize I'm clutching his arm for dear life. I let go and back away from them, but am stopped when the child speaks to me. He doesn't speak in the way he opens his mouth, but with his mind. 

"Look around. What do you see? Don't answer, because the answer is in every expression on your face. Look at your people. Look at me. You can see us starving and begging for death. You can see that our souls have forsaken our God and those that still believe are being tortured, to the point that they wished they never believed there was hope, and had let themselves die. Look at the me and the rest of the children, we're monsters. The demonic blood of the wolves has tainted what should have been pure angelic blood."

Our surrounding changes again, it fades away but the child's eyes will be forever ingrained in my mind.   

Now we see those children, the children from monsters. The demonic and angelic children, are now grown, into fierce soilders, both men and women, stronger than both the Children of Light and the wolves....

               My eyes snap open and i gasp for breath. I feel like i just died. Everywhere there is pain, i kneel and retch black bile of revulsion, of what I just saw in my vision. it is than that I realize there are others around me. Ignoring the others around me, i look up and find my best friend Sika, and my eyes well up in unshed tears.  She gathers me in her arms, I pay no attention as she tells the others to go and we'll have a meeting of what I saw in my vision, as i continue to sob. 

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