Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Over the remaining time that the group of boys had together up north, they used any spare time they had to discuss what plan of action should be taken next in regards to their recent discovery. One thing that they all agreed on was that it was a taboo subject inside the house and that it should only be talked about well out of earshot of anyone, mainly Conroy senior, just in case it was picked up on by an unwanted source. It had been brought to the groups attention by Steve that with such a complex operation being carried out surrounded by unsuspecting locals, spies could have easily been planted to monitor its continued anonymity. If their own paranoia was not an issue before Steve had scared them, it was cemented firmly in their brains afterwards. 

David acted normally when he saw the boys on their return from last nights 'party'. A well drilled response was executed perfectly from all the protagonists under the test of Mr. Conroy's light grilling concerning the content of their night but fearing that a slip was easily possible, had all agreed that an excursion out for the whole afternoon before they headed back to London was a wise move. It was decided that the memory stick that Jason and Spider used on David's laptop would be held by Jason to whom he and he alone would have sole knowledge of. This was met by several disapprovals from Spider and Steve. While Spider argued that he was leaving himself isolated with the only source which could get lost or stolen or even worse if he was found out without the rest of the world to know, Steve added that he was leaving too much responsibility onto his own shoulders and that it would be a prudent call to entrust it in the care of one of his long standing friends. Jason was grateful that they were taking the subject matter seriously but thought it odd that they had brought it up, thinking that both arguments against were flimsy. He dug his heels in and decided forcefully that he alone would be responsible for it, saying that he would not risk the welfare of his friends any further than he already had. In time he would find out what was on the disks and then he would share his findings with them if they still wished.  

It was met with ample amusement when Jason informed the boys that he wished to see Jo and to thank her personally for helping them out last night. Jason received a bit of a ribbing from the lads when he defended Jo's position as a good friend, his peers insinuated that there were more to his feelings concerning Jo than he was letting on to them and that if Katee caught wind that he was still hanging around an older and arguably prettier girl, then certain bits of his anatomy might go missing in painful circumstances. He laughed along with the boys at that disturbing prospect but Spider had an edge of seriousness when he underlined the very real possibility that she would not be best pleased after warning him off from Jo's company. Jason welcomed Spiders concern as his best friend looking out for him, but he knew deep down that Spider and Katee had no love for each other. Spider had the decency never to utter a bad word in her direction even when Jason did so, though not was the case on the opposite side. Katee berated Spider at any given opportunity though Spider never bit. His motto to Jason was 'never let your enemy show that you are rattled. It's the first sign of weakness.' Whether Spider saw Katee as an enemy he would never know unless he asked him though he felt he would never say so even if he did. Spider's lack of interest towards Katee's verbal assault on his character was one of the only instances that he saw that could connect her with hate and he didn't like it. The only other thing she hated more was Jason's defence of his best friend. She was a beautiful person in so many ways and he was sure that it was love that he felt for her. She was everything that he as well as any man could possibly want but she was like a different person when the subject turned to Spider. Her change, the aggression, venom and irrelevance of it all tainted perfection. It made in the blink of an eye, a beautiful thing ugly. Women come and go but Spider would be the constant in his life, he knew that. The thought of not having her made Jason feel sick to his stomach but he would never abandon his friend. Katee knew that too, and that, he presumed was the origin of her dislike towards the guy. 

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