02 Catching A Scent

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"I honestly don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this," Jane confessed to Elle, worried that her best friend had officially gone crazy after the confirmation of her maturity this morning. In a split second Elle had transformed from a sleeping corpse into an ecstatic teenage girl and forced Jane to take a seat whilst Elle gave her a makeover.


The very word sent a fearful shiver through her and here she was at the mercy of her makeover-fanatic best friend. It's not that she detested makeup or the idea of looking a little prettier than she usually would, but she couldn't sit still and have someone poke at her face and tug at her hair it was just... she shuddered.

Elle steered Jane into her desk chair and stood in front of her with a calculating look muttering, "I'm going to ignore what you just said and pretend that you're just as excited as I am to meet your mate."

"It's not that I'm not excited," she sighed unsure of how to explain the whirlwind of emotions that were happening beneath her numbed from shock – exterior, "Because I am, truly! It's just..."

Elle pulled on her hair with the curling iron, "Don't worry I understand. You've been on your own for so long that you're not used to the responsibility that comes with having a mate. I know I wasn't when I met Mike."

Jane knew deep down that what Elle was saying was right, but she also knew that Elle wasn't aware of the real reason she was fretting over her newfound maturity. Elle didn't know what it was like to have been waiting for her mate for so long that now the prospect of actually finding him felt like jumping off a cliff. Absolutely terrifying.

She was so scared that her hands were trembling and her stomach was alight with flittering butterflies, not to mention she was trying to get used to the presence of her wolf in the back of her mind.

It was like suddenly her own mind wasn't just hers anymore like all her thoughts and secrets were privy to this second entity inside her head. Her wolf had always been there but it'd been the presence of a creature far younger than she felt, they weren't equal she was the one taking care of her wolf. But now, now that was not the case.

Now she could feel the intelligence and cunning of the animal within the back of her mind, like reuniting with an old friend that she hadn't seen in years and had all of a sudden morphed into an adult version of the child she knew. It was all so new to Jane and strange. It was taking a lot of adjusting to and having the added pressure of meeting her mate for the first time, was sending her into a panic. So much so, that all that positive crap Elle had been feeding her, flew right out the window.

"But Elle, you knew the moment you met Mike that he wasn't going to reject you. You're pretty much every man's dream you didn't have as much to worry about as I do. And I'm definitely not as beautiful as- Ouch!"

Her nervous rant was cut short as Elle pulled her hair painfully and Jane jerked her head around to glare at her best friend, "What was that for?!"

"I'm tired of you putting yourself down, Janie!" Elle demanded folding her arms across her chest, "It's always; I'm too short, or I'm not that attractive, or I'm really not that smart. You always treat yourself like you're dirt and you're not. You are beautiful and you are intelligent. So what you've failed a couple of tests and not every guy on the planet is attracted to you. Not every guy on the planet is attracted to me either."

Jane lowered her eyes from her frustrated friend, right before Elle sighed, "Look Janie. You let people take advantage of you because you don't have any respect for yourself. I'm your best friend and sometimes even I find it hard to respect you."

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