Chapter Four

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The awkward silence could've been cut with a knife it was so thick.

And Kyra hated every single minute of it.

They were only an hour or so away from the border of Lothlorien now and she tried to keep her distance from the two elves. She had no qualms with Legolas (anymore) but she still felt slightly disturbed by the fact that there are elves. And, it didn't help matters much when she had knocked out one of their military leaders.

What a first impression she had made.

She had tried to apologize to Haldir on multiple occasions but he had not spoken a word to her since their encounter, and unfortunately for her, he was still miffed about her throwing fist-sized rocks at him and actually hit him. A mortal female struck down the Marchwarden of Lothlorien. The thoughts to them sounded absolutely absurd..

Guilt ate away at her conscience.

She wondered how many more beings she was going to piss off before she went home, she thought with disdain.

Kyra wondered if she should be offended by the fact that he thought she was weak because she was female or not. She sighed, she couldn't blame him for holding a grudge against her, hell, she would be quite pissed if someone did the same thing.

She shook her head and sighed, going back to looking about her surroundings and tried not to take notice of both elves glancing back at her more times than not from their position at least ten feet in front of her. Kyra had to admit, she was grateful that they kept their distance but felt annoyed that they kept checking back at her.

After all, what did they think she was going to do, make a run for it? Kyra almost laughed at the absurdity of it and pushed the thought to the back, looking up at the trees. She took note that they were twice the size of the ones back home, the air was cleaner, and the forest seemed a bit darker, but not by much, as through the trees, blue sky and sunlight peeked through the gaps.

Even with her unusual predicament, the beauty of the place was indeed astounding.

Up ahead of her, Legolas glanced back at her then to Haldir. "How long are you going to be acting like a child?"

His blue eyes narrowed. "Whenever she decides to tell the truth. I do not trust her."

"And she doesn't trust you."

Another glare was sent in the Prince's direction. "Trust is learned when one can speak it."

"You do not think she speaks the truth?"

It was Haldir's turn to glance back and sighed. "No. What happens if she is a spy of Sauron?"

"And what if she is not?" Legolas countered. "Look at her attire. It is apparant that she is not of this world and she looks frightened."

Haldir gave no answer. He had to admit though, t'was strange. Her clothing, language, and how outspoken she was for a mortal woman. He had never seen anything like it. He growled, feeling defeated and with nothing to defend why he had no trust for her, except for one thing.

"She knocked me unconscious with a rock."

Legolas threw his head back and laughed merrily, to Haldir's dismay. "She honestly thought you were going to harm her. She told me you had an arrow pointing directly at her face."

"I was not going to shoot it unless she posed a threat." He muttered and quickly added. "She is on the border of Lothlorien. It is my duty as Marchwarden to ensure the safety of my people."

"She did not know that, did she?" The other elf asked, brows raised as he nodded. "Tis true though, she acted rashly against you."

Haldir could've sworn that there was going to be more to that sentence but Legolas added no more, he felt him pick up speed. Up ahead they were reaching the gates to the city and Haldir sighed with relief; the quicker they got to Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, the quicker he would be able to return to his flat and away from the woman.

As they headed through the city, towards the steps to where the Lord and Lady resided, Kyra felt uncomfortable under the gazes of the elves. Her mouth hung open and thought at how beautiful each and every one of them were.

Some regarded her kindly with a nod, while others stared curiously at her.

She was distracted enough to not see that Haldir and Legolas had stopped and she walked right into them with a grunt, almost falling on her rear but was saved by Legolas holding her steady.

"Why are we stopped?"

Before Legolas could answer her, Haldir turned to her, his steely gaze boring through her as he finally spoke to her. "This is where we leave you. My Lord and Lady wishes to speak with you."

A bemused chuckle soon followed suit, "I know you have a habit of doing so, but I ask that you do not knock them unconscious as well."

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